Klinika Intertich в Атырау

КазахстанKlinika Intertich



🕗 время открытия

17, Satpayeva, Атырау, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7122 20 02 60
Веб-сайт: www.interteach.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 47.1030331, Longitude: 51.8896429

Комментарии 5

  • Анара Талтанова

    Анара Талтанова


    I like everything in this clinic. Overall, the impression is only good. Pediatricians Raisa Sotsialovna, Aigul Khadzhi-Muratovna, surgeon Sholpan Erzhanovna, massage therapist Zhanat, they are all competent specialists. Mostly went to them. If there were no normal service for the doctors, gentlemen, negatives, then there would be no such queues, both by appointment and without appointment. At the reception, girls try as best they can, try to answer your call right away from home to the clinic, if you have five people with children in front of the reception and you need to answer everyone right away, just find out for everyone quickly)) Pee, I'm not an inter-worker. Served for seven years on insurance, the whole family was treated here, alas, good things come to an end)

  • Meruet Iskanderova

    Meruet Iskanderova


    The clinic is not about anything. Even if you die, they will say our work time is up!

  • Pilipets Albinaо6555н5щ

    Pilipets Albinaо6555н5щ


    We signed up for a pediatrician at 11:00. as expected came early. Time 11:30 we won’t go in. Moreover, the girl can’t come in front of us (she has a record of 10:20). What kind of mess? In addition to the word, wait, they can’t say anything. The pediatrician walks leisurely with the words wait. More than a foot here, the child was even tired of waiting

  • Анастасия Вагапова

    Анастасия Вагапова


    I agree with the previous review that it is time for staff to train how to communicate with patients. But the leadership apparently doesn't give a damn about it, so many negative reviews, and not a single answer. When you call, call a doctor at home, they may not answer, or say “wait” and drop the phone, and discard subsequent calls. I have to call the general dispatch service to record. And what kind of polite communication is generally unknown to them. Even in ordinary clinics they already communicate better. But there is good. Three times she called a pediatrician at home, arrived within an hour, polite, calm, prescribed effective treatment, without expensive and useless feron, dietary supplements, strong antibiotics and other nonsense. The next day, they always call back to find out about the well-being of the child and adjust the treatment if necessary.

  • Berik Serikov

    Berik Serikov


    Hello where your leadership is looking, almost everyone turns to you. And you also call to sign up at the clinic, and it’s as if you’re always calling the clinic for a week’s turn. You don’t even say they can come in and there’s a live queue or we’ll think of something, there’s no such thing from you and we’re not waiting. The service is terrible, I'm serious. Doctors are not always satisfied if they don’t like to let another place go. Your company is spoiled because of these doctors. Pzhl gather all and explain how to talk to people. I wouldn’t go to your intertitium at all, they just send us from work because of hopelessness. 05/22/2019

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