Kofe Kofe w Taraz

KazachstanKofe Kofe



🕗 godziny otwarcia

61а, Tole Bi Street, 080000, Taraz, Jambyl District, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakt telefon: +7 7262 51 20 07
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.9001883, Longitude: 71.3688065

komentarze 5

  • Ляззат Абдукаликова

    Ляззат Абдукаликова


    It used to be much better, now there is an adult woman admin, well, not at all pleasant, the rude responded rudely to the remark that they made, although there was a lack of serving the dish on their part for this, a score of 1, but the waiters are good and friendly, for this a score of 5 or more we will not visit this Cafe. The kitchen is not very tasty, I do not advise

  • Бузя Бузян

    Бузя Бузян


    We ordered beef stroganoff, they brought us beef stroganoff that was not of high quality and dried out and the meat was solid, not only did we wait an hour and a half, they didn’t bring us cooked beef stroganoff, we called the administrator, she came and took the dish and disappeared and so we remained unanswered, she left and came only when we called her, came and said that the chef tried because he was cold and then only offered to make a new one, we waited another half an hour, they brought us and I just asked for a package and asked to bring it quickly because we will hurry up and in response, we received an ignore and she left

  • Nazgul Utegenova

    Nazgul Utegenova


    And "Coffee Coffee" does not lose its brand! I always liked this place. I note the cool positions: pasta with seafood, pies with potatoes, Caesar, noodle soup, Alfredo. A separate plus for the play area and the restroom. I don't know if they put "women's things" in a box there now, but when I visited, they put it)) Helps out, you know!)

  • Ярослав Рогов

    Ярослав Рогов


    Very nice place ate there for a long time good and even great staff

  • Rufina Aleyeva

    Rufina Aleyeva


    Very nice nanny, the kitchen is great! The playground is fantastic! Love this place!

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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