Konsayz в Ust'-Kamenogorsk

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

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1, Krasin Street, 070000, Ust'-Kamenogorsk, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7232 60 75 45
Веб-сайт: konsize.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 49.9593109, Longitude: 82.6185169

Комментарии 5

  • Юрий Лесников

    Юрий Лесников


    He treated teeth at Consise with Dr. Olga Nikolaevna Popova. One of the teeth was enlarged, others were filled with fillings. After visiting Consize, I learned that dental treatment can be completely painless. Good dentistry. Professional team. Recommend.

  • roman fart

    roman fart


    Good afternoon everyone! I always treated my teeth there, but my attending physician was not there and Olga Nikolaevna was recommended to me, they said everything would be "ok", I of course agreed, trusting the experience of the staff! As a result, in order to put the seal, I had to come to the appointment five times, giving a lot of money for each appointment, and I threw the money off to them past the cash register to the Caspian Sea, you can understand that when something hurts you don't look at the money, the main thing is to do it well! As a result, my tooth hurts very badly when biting, although more than two months have passed, but I no longer want to go to Olga Nikolaevna!

  • guka ldrisova

    guka ldrisova


    Terrible dentistry! Rude dentist-therapist ON Popova, for whom not the patient is important, but money! As a result: two healthy teeth were pulped without warning! They also treated an extensive cyst that cannot be treated! Together with the orthopedic doctor Abdrakhmanov, they insisted to put a bridge on healthy teeth (to grind it), when it was possible to "implant" the implant on the fifth day after removal, and as a result, she was left without a front tooth. Conclusion: 1. Do not offer an alternative to the sick. The patient must have the right to choose! ; 2. Loss of two healthy teeth ("killed" the nerves); 3. Do not talk to patients: do not conduct a dialogue between the doctor and the patient; 4. They do not explain: "What if they change their minds and run away to another dentistry ?!" ; 5. As an injured patient, I will apply to the appropriate authority to punish the arrogant doctors!

  • Sema Vita

    Sema Vita


    The clinic is wonderful, everything is thought out. Everywhere is clean and tidy. Polite administrators. For a long time I did not dare to go to the dentist. Have advised. I got to Kalieva D.S. Gold handles, delicate. All the time I was calming and interested in my well-being. Made restoration of the front teeth. Now I can smile without hesitation.

  • Андрей Чуркин

    Андрей Чуркин


    Great clinic

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