Медицинский центр Plaza i Karaganda

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanМедицинский центр Plaza



🕗 åbningstider

56, Nurken Abdirov Avenue, 100000, Karaganda, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 771 266 0626
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.8133879, Longitude: 73.1144519

kommentar 5

  • Ернат Сералыулы

    Ернат Сералыулы


    Hello, I paid on credit, but I didn’t go much, now I can’t call, I don’t pick up or is always busy

  • Айтолқын Зұлқадылқызы

    Айтолқын Зұлқадылқызы


    I paid the amount. And there is no record. They say there is no record since September 2021. If not, why invite? It's already February 2021. And you don't pick up the phone. Scammers

  • Асель Абдуллина

    Асель Абдуллина


    No! Do not go there! Sheer deception is bred for terrible! They will also put on credit!

  • Marhabat Aldyhanova

    Marhabat Aldyhanova


    Today I was invited to a free procedure at Nurken Abirov 56 KPL (plaza) I went but for some reason they immediately offered me their procedures and put my head in my head and I myself did not understand at the end how I got into credit, started the procedure with a cosmetologist for a fee, but about free they and forgot, Please help me, how can I terminate the contract now and in general I have an allergy

  • Ербол Ембергенов

    Ербол Ембергенов


    An excellent medical center offering a wide range of services. Basically, the center seems to be designed for the female continent. Cleanliness and order in this institution are taken as the basis of the service provided. The only thing: good health and excellent service cost accordingly.

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