Meditsinskiy Tsentr Gippokrat в Kostanay

КазахстанMeditsinskiy Tsentr Gippokrat



🕗 время открытия

151, Ulitsa Pobedy, 110000, Kostanay, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7142 54 47 33
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 53.2227911, Longitude: 63.6325829

Комментарии 5

  • Нина Ниночка

    Нина Ниночка


    I am observed and treated by a neurologist Anna Adamovna Shkandevich, a competent attentive professional, thank you, I receive competent treatment, this doctor has good knowledge and a responsible approach to patients, I thank you for the fact that there are such doctors

  • Татьяна Мощенко

    Татьяна Мощенко


    In my life, I will never go to this medical institution, I came to an appointment to remove a tooth and went straight to the operating table with a diagnosis of maxillary sinus perforation, the picture was taken twice, and the doctor seemed to trust with great experience, but here it is.

  • Наталья Сейденова

    Наталья Сейденова


    Hello!!! My dad is undergoing treatment at the center after the operation. And I want to say a huge special thank you to Sergei Aleksandrovich Stogov, for his attentiveness, professionalism, and humanity !!! The nurses are attentive. Today we have an extract, and I am very pleased with the result! Thank you all again.

  • Petrovec Denis

    Petrovec Denis


    Passed a medical examination. Everything is fine, but a private clinic and here you leave that kind of money and at the same time go take your tests, go to see one doctor in another place. It is not necessary to take tests not in private.

  • Жанымкуль Журмагамбетова

    Жанымкуль Журмагамбетова


    Good afternoon! I read the reviews of other people and I will say that things are still there, it concerns the reception. Nothing can be asked, they just yell, you already feel insignificant at that moment! And in the wardrobe, for some reason, the number is thrown directly, although there is a special queue no, I thought in the early days, maybe it seemed to me, but no more than a week I go to the day hospital, both threw and throw. I did not conflict with anyone, I do not behave arrogantly and always say hello. When you are sick, you become more susceptible to such (for someone maybe) trifles. I want a human relationship, not boorish. A boorish attitude is more than enough in a state polyclinic. I am undergoing treatment with a wonderful ENT doctor, Tatyana Pavlovna! Many thanks to her for the treatment without unnecessary troubles, for her attention, sensitivity and humanity! She is a doctor from God! And one more thanks to the nurse of the day hospital, Tatyana Mikhailovna! Always attentive, kind and with a great sense of humor!

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