Meditsinskiy Tsentr Mediker Pediatriya, Too Mediker в Nur-Sultan

КазахстанMeditsinskiy Tsentr Mediker Pediatriya, Too Mediker



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20, Zhumabek Tashenov Street, 020000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7172 55 81 21
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 51.1516508, Longitude: 71.4413743

Комментарии 5

  • User User

    User User


    I wanted to thank the therapist from Medicare Malayeva Nursulu Taskinbaevna, thank you very much for your help, they did not ignore it, they immediately said that you have wheezing, I suspect pneumonia should be done with CT, but I really have bilateral pneumonia, I was hospitalized and immediately started treatment. I understand Online consultation, but not listening to how you can heal wasted a week, if you started the treatment correctly b. Thank you Nursulu Taskinbaenva I wish you success in your easy work, for caring for the sick. There would be more such wonderful doctors.

  • Алина Дамекова

    Алина Дамекова


    It's great that we have opened a branch on the left bank of Medicer Pediatrics Senim Clinic at 34 Turkistan str. Convenient location. I was at the reception with Lyazzat Zholdasbekovna, a very competent doctor! A true professional in his field! Thanks a lot to her!

  • Наталия Хомякова

    Наталия Хомякова


    I am very glad that my child is served in Medicare Pediatrics, there are health problems, and I am registered. Analyzes promptly and referrals for all professionals. Our pediatrician Kyzykbai Agerke Yerzhankyzy is very attentive to the child, we receive medicines as part of the treatment free of charge, to get to a specialist for a maximum of 1-2 days. And in an ordinary clinic you have to wait for months to see a neurologist. The child goes through all the specialists every year, while they call and remind, they offer a record. But we are served by attachment. Thank you very much to all the staff of the company.

  • Liza Viktorenko

    Liza Viktorenko


    I want to thank pediatrician Kan Svetlana Anatolyevna! We concluded for ourselves that this is the best pediatrician in the city! She is friendly, attentive, our child loves her, she is kind, she finds a common language with children, a doctor like from a fairy tale! How many times have not been contacted have always been satisfied! She clearly explains and explains everything!

  • Асеке Басеке

    Асеке Басеке


    Dear leader! Pass on to your sisters, let it be better not to call and call the children for vaccinations, because they are not responsible for their words! They invited me for today at 12.10, I brought the child, and stood as a striker for 2.5 hours. What kind of child abuse ???

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