Mts Sem'ya в Aktobe

КазахстанMts Sem'ya



🕗 время открытия

13, Abai Prospectus, 030020, Aktobe, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7132 54 45 35
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 50.3025981, Longitude: 57.1595362

Комментарии 5

  • Жамила Илюпова

    Жамила Илюпова


    Самая худшая клиника .наживаются на проблеме людей .не ходите туда.они только калечат,а не лечат

  • Aleks Lar

    Aleks Lar


    He tried to be treated for alcoholism with the help of hypnosis. It didn't work out. As a result, he began to drink even stronger. Until I once lied in an alcoholic coma. At the moment I don't drink at all. By itself, it somehow stopped. And at the expense of treatment. So I asked the doctor to instill in me supposedly alcohol, it's like cotton wool. The same is not interesting and, in fact, not particularly necessary in life. Here's an example. Do you want to buy cotton wool. Or sniff. Or maybe eat it. No. And in the end he said. You will drink a painful death. A month later I got drunk. And how he went into a deep binge. Fear does not cure it is useless. I want it even stronger, but I can't. It interferes with life, it is generally impossible to work. In general, some problems. This is not a method

  • Баке Таке

    Баке Таке


    Even though he doesn't understand the letter in the registration office, he shouts at someone to speak Russian, and I would call a neurologist.

  • Амандык Тойманов

    Амандык Тойманов


    I visited Gulnar Bayanovny, where Ana diagnosed and prescribed a 10-day system. After the received procedure, no results were obtained. This means incorrect diagnosis and treatment. On the tenth day, vatsap Gulnar Bayanovny did not write to her, and that he thought Ana would examine it for the second time and close up the business to the office or advise the best clinics. How would I pay 10,000 tenge. Or the payment was for an incorrect diagnosis and useless prescription of the system. ??? Send a photo and messages that the treatment without results I received a response from Gulnar Bayanovny "IT IS UNDERSTANDING YET RELAX" and disappeared. after that I called the clinic and said that the treatment did not help and did not give results. Where I was told that people have different bodies, the main thing is that we diagnosed and prescribed treatment and that we do not respond to the results, go to another fighter that I will find. My 10,000 tg and ten days of life were crying. Thank you clinic "family" that you took 10 000 tenge for no result. I will die better than I will pay 10 000 tenge for no resultant treatment again. Duu kol shapalak at the end of the word.

  • Ержан Баймаганбетов

    Ержан Баймаганбетов


    Gulnara Bayanovna does not know anything, bartenders treated her with other drugs and aggravated the disease

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