NewLife Diagnostic w Petropavl

KazachstanNewLife Diagnostic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

60, Ulitsa Karima Sutyusheva, 150000, Petropavl, Kyzylzhar District, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakt telefon: +7 700 500 9997
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 54.8651068, Longitude: 69.1331575

komentarze 5

  • Zarina Ikhiyeva

    Zarina Ikhiyeva


    Polite staff, convenient location of the medical center. I like that the center is actively developing both technically and by the presence of doctors of different directions. All health!

  • Светлана Агафонова

    Светлана Агафонова


    Super center. Excellent service, competent specialists explain everything in an accessible way. I advise anyone who was here not necessarily to visit it. And what a massage chair.

  • Лариса Гансецкая

    Лариса Гансецкая


    I express my gratitude and respect to Dr. Stafiy Diana Viktorovna, a literate specialist, kind and sympathetic person.

  • Гулим Сакеновна

    Гулим Сакеновна


    Hello. The administrator never called me back. I myself call the administrator says that there is no doctor yet. They said we will call back and did not wait. For the second day I can’t wait for the pediatrician's answer, which the administrator should give me. How to call directly to the pediatrician to Mychko A.M. ? A small child could not come to the doctor's house.

  • Stefanie Taylor

    Stefanie Taylor


    I recently got to visit and receive an ultra sound from Vera Aladinskaya at New Life Diagnostic. This is definitely the best medical center in Petropavlovsk. It’s modern, comfortable, clean, and overall a positive environment. The quality of care and diagnosis Aladinskaya provides was above my expectations. She genuinely cared to help me, which is unique and very appreciated. The nurse and administrator were both informative and kind as well, which helped my experience overall be easier and relaxed. Thank you that this medical center exists! A medical center I can trust!

najbliższy Szpital

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