Penelope в Ust'-Kamenogorsk




🕗 время открытия

77/1, Ulitsa Kazakhstan, 070019, Ust'-Kamenogorsk, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 777 995 7179
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 49.9551141, Longitude: 82.6324987

Комментарии 5

  • Алима Мейрамова

    Алима Мейрамова


    The whole family celebrated my sister's birthday yesterday in the family restaurant "Penelope".) Firstly, we want to celebrate the cuisine, they simply cook gorgeous, everything is very beautifully presented. The waiters are very polite, they do their job quickly and accurately. There are many types of drinks, juices, lemonades, which are made in a bar in the same restaurant😍! The family was very happy, thank you all very much😉👌🏻👍🏻

  • Айман Самарханова

    Айман Самарханова


    Celebrated my birthday! I liked it very much, cozy, comfortable If there are children, there is a separate recreation area for them

  • Светлана Коновалова

    Светлана Коновалова


    You have to come full. There is no need here. Visiting in general DO NOT RECOMMEND Only play on the court, AND THAT IS PAYMENT. There are many sites. The portions are very small, and the prices are like in an elite restaurant (see photos). It's not tasty. Medallions were brought not fried from one side. They didn't even take a bite, while the waiter also insisted on paying for this good. Sorpa suddenly turned out to be sharp. Grilled vegetables just fried in oil in a skillet turned out to be. There is no compote. No baby soup. None. There was no shish kebab either. The bread was delicious, but we probably didn’t come for bread. And probably not for 1000tg for slices of bread. The waiter managed to pick up the fallen fork from the floor and give it to the child. In general, zero for food, zero for service.

  • Наталья Муханова

    Наталья Муханова


    Visited this place on Thursday. Remote control from the air conditioner only through the administrator. Waiters are not attentive, orders had to be repeated. Mixed up several dishes. They brought two pizzas instead of one and spaghetti carbonara. The second burger was carried for over an hour. The dirty dishes were taken away slowly. On the 5th cocktail, we suddenly ran out of wine and we were waiting for it to be brought in additionally. The second time you can come only because of a good company, which has nothing to do with the institution.

  • Роман Волков

    Роман Волков


    A great place for the whole family, there is a playground for children from the smallest! Excellent cuisine! Polite staff. Recommend!

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