Poliklinika Garmoniya в Semey

КазахстанPoliklinika Garmoniya



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Dostoevsky Street, 070000, Semey, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7222 52 04 97
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 50.403036, Longitude: 80.2550035

Комментарии 5

  • Асель Нурпеисова

    Асель Нурпеисова


    In this clinic I liked the neuropathologist Talgat Nurmukhanovich Khaibullin. A very competent doctor who knows raw stuff




    It’s bad that on a first-come, first-served basis, it would be better by appointment.

  • Вера Клубника

    Вера Клубника


    Was at the dentist, the woman is pleasant. But what, I first noticed, she was without a mask, without gloves, she just washed her hands and that's it. The treatment is very ancient, the equipment is old, they put a finger in my mouth. I was given an anesthetic, everyone got in the wrong place with a syringe, they brought it in with a needle very hard, “I said no soft tissues, be patient”, there was caries, the tooth ached very much, I explained everything, they began to “treat the tooth”, it was so painful, I didn’t know how to drill to call it, on the very nerves. Well, a very ancient treatment, right now it should be much more modern, and it doesn't hurt to treat teeth. I am silent about the fact that the instruments most likely do not turn back, I went right after another patient, and did not see how they were processed so quickly. After this dentist, everything hurt, I went to another dentistry, well, just heaven and earth, everything is civil, everything is modern, very professional approach and does not hurt, I re-heal all my teeth after an unsuccessful dentist. Waste of money, it was simply all useless. I do not advise, run from there, right now, teeth are treated much more modernly.

  • Асел Санатова

    Асел Санатова


    The most literate doctors

  • Milana Grin

    Milana Grin


    The clinic seems to be not bad, and the doctors are not bad either, but there is one big drawback that negates all the good things, to which I wanted to get a live queue to all the specialists! This is the last century, especially not for a paid clinic, especially during the period of general quarantine. There was no positive answer to my question and proposal to make an appointment on time, they said that you can go to another clinic. In general, the administration does not want to keep up with the times, improve the service and adequately respond to criticism and suggestions from patients, so I don’t want to visit this clinic anymore!

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