Rytsarskiy Zamok в Qostanaý

КазахстанRytsarskiy Zamok



🕗 время открытия

Gogol Street, 110000, Qostanaý, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 53.2146757, Longitude: 63.6242013

Комментарии 5

  • Александровна



    Well, something really sad. Came on a Friday night and the place was almost empty. It is possible, of course, that "we are so lucky." That's right: sit, talk - the maximum of the evening. The only plus is that karaoke is completely at our disposal. Drink from the heart))

  • Максим Шабалин

    Максим Шабалин


    So so

  • Marina Shevchenko

    Marina Shevchenko


    Unpleasant impression immediately from the entrance. Enter somewhere in an incomprehensible place. Only by phone call. The music is disgusting, we want to dance, they sit us down to eat, we want to eat, they drive us to dance. The DJ doesn't feel the audience at all. And tiktok trends are playing, and the 80s. Some kind of disgusting hodgepodge of music. The illusionist delighted. Until he got out a rabbit, which was sitting in a cramped folder. It's a pity. Food can only be eaten hot. When it cools down it is better to return it back. I don’t know if it can be warmed up. Didn't elaborate. The lighting in the hall is also not wow. The cubicle does not close in the women's toilet. Of the pluses are waiters. Well done girls, everything is polite, pleasant, beautiful. The administrator reacted in time to the type that interfered with the performance of the illusionist. Overall rating 3/5. And then 3 is purely for the staff🌷

  • Armani.Kz88 пусть будет ТаК

    Armani.Kz88 пусть будет ТаК


    Nice place to have a good time, prices are not the lowest in the city. The food is delicious, the service is 4 out of 5, you can go and see your friends there

  • Жанна Искакова

    Жанна Искакова


    The most sloppy establishment! Karaoke is still giving one song, followed by background music about nothing! We arrived at 20.00 and sang two songs before 24.00, asked for dance music between the songs, but waited until one in the morning! They just went out to dance, and then they went to the place, since only background music played! In short, come and sit until 24.00 wait for the music! I did not like the expectation of music, as did the DJ, and the bartender with a pip on his head! Inserts his five cakes into a conversation with a DJ! The cuisine is delicious, the service is good, the rest sucks!

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