Sanatoriy Karatal в поселок Жендiк

КазахстанSanatoriy Karatal



🕗 время открытия

Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
Вторникоткрыт 24 часа
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Пятницаоткрыт 24 часа
Субботаоткрыт 24 часа
Воскресеньеоткрыт 24 часа
поселок Жендык, поселок Жендiк, Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 705 666 3500
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 44.8975534, Longitude: 78.6621469

Комментарии 5

  • Динара Каиржанова

    Динара Каиржанова


    Hello were you very pleased food excellent service good

  • Ерлан Алдажаров

    Ерлан Алдажаров


    "Karatal" health center is located in the foothills of the Dzungarian Alatau, on the banks of the river Karatal, in a clean, quiet place. People come here looking for a cure, as well as those who want to prevent the disease. While most of them came with a voucher from Sobes, some of them came on their own. Lots of regular visitors. The price is average, not expensive. The treatment is good, mud, massage, bath, paraffin, etc. brought from Alakol. there is. Eat five meals a day, two of them in the afternoon. Nothing more, the usual dining room food, but the cooks cook it deliciously. There are bedrooms for 1,2,3 beds. My room had a TV, a small refrigerator, a bathroom and a shower. It should be noted that the world is very old and on the verge of deterioration. Cleanliness, in turn, has its drawbacks. There is a library where the books are from the Soviet era, but you can read them when you are bored. In addition, there is a guitar, dombra, harmonica. There are special sticks for those who want to go for a walk outside. In the evening there is a disco with special devices, such as the skylight. As for sports, there is table tennis, exercise bikes, billiards, pears. All of them are worn out. But it can be done. I noticed a large pool in the steppe, about 12.5 × 20 meters in size. It looks like a small park with an apple orchard. The road is good, there is an asphalt road right in front of the sanatorium. There is a small parking lot. It should be noted that right next door, in the first house on the street, sells saumal and koumiss. People who want to drink go and buy and drink at two times, that is, at 7 am and 4:30 pm. It is located on the outskirts of Zhendik village, 13 km from Tekeli. You can go on an excursion to Tekeli on the weekend, it is not expensive. Comfort, for those looking for a high level of service, this place is not suitable. If you want peace of mind, as well as affordable treatment and massage, you can come here.

  • Куляш Ермухаммед

    Куляш Ермухаммед


    High level of service! There is a culture of public work of employees, polite, strict adherence to the doctor's instructions by employees. The menu is rational with a varied presentation. It is obvious that it is developing! We plan to visit again

  • Engy Bat

    Engy Bat


    really nice staff, food abundant, not very clean...

  • Warwick Burns

    Warwick Burns


    Terrific place to experience Kazakhstan! Food was great and accommodations were adequate. The scenery was stunning and all the different health techniques were a fun and pleasant experience! There's little modesty so skip it if you're uncomfortable de-robing for a hose-down shower after a full-body mud bath! Kind people here and I'd love to come again!

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