Sberbank, Otdeleniye 5 в Nur-Sultan

КазахстанSberbank, Otdeleniye 5



🕗 время открытия

16, Qayrat Rysqulbekov Street, 020000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7172 23 10 31
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 51.1518305, Longitude: 71.4952469

Комментарии 5

  • светлана краевская

    светлана краевская


    Terrible service. Lunch break, like the president's. That's terrible. So many people in the bank, it's just awful. And they have lunch for 4 hours.

  • Sam Snow

    Sam Snow


    All Goood. I only go to this branch.

  • Ilya A

    Ilya A


    The terrible attitude towards customers, had to open an account on Turan 13 not on their own, the queue was unimaginable, half the tables of the employees were empty, after the other half they served the customers an unacceptable amount of time, I sat opposite the girl who was served 1.20, ONE HOUR TWENTY MINUTES what can be done about an hour twenty? I was taken in almost 2 hours. The branch works until 6, Karl, not a single normal bank in Russia works until 6. Angry staff, lack of elementary tact, rude, nervous employees. But this, of course, is not all, it is impossible to reach the telephone line, but if they still answered you, after describing the problem with the card, they say they don’t know the solution and redirect it somewhere else and the connection is broken.

  • Baurzhan Gabdelov

    Baurzhan Gabdelov


    It was necessary to make a transfer abroad. Came to the bank at 10.00 and took a ticket to the queue. Served by physical. persons in total 3 managers. Although there were managers who sat for 1:30 hours and just poked around in their squares. I waited 1:30 hours for the manager to receive me, wanted to complain, they said, contact the central bank there, the management of the sidia. A girl came to open a card, she was sent to the central bank, allegedly they have a lot of people, and in another place they will serve her much faster. If you do not have time, you need to increase the number of managers, create more comfortable conditions, the management should not sit in offices, but directly walk among people, record the violation of employees and fix all problems. The parking is small, you can't drive.

  • Lana Berrie

    Lana Berrie


    No one to answer the help. The guard sent because he "knows nothing." The line is long, and some employees are sitting on the phone, waving their fingers.

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