Стоматология Dent-Lux (Дент-Люкс) «На Кабанбай батыра» в Almaty

КазахстанСтоматология Dent-Lux (Дент-Люкс) «На Кабанбай батыра»



🕗 время открытия

122, Kabanbay Batyr Street, 050000, Almaty, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 727 312 3333
Веб-сайт: www.dent-lux.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.2490287, Longitude: 76.9398871

Комментарии 5

  • Pika :3

    Pika :3


    They delayed the appointment for 30 minutes, because of this, they could not extract the tooth, because they did not fit in time. And they made me pay for 3000 diagnostics, which I did not ask for and did not warn that it was just an examination that was paid. Once again, I didn’t ask you to examine me. I just needed to remove the tooth.

  • Жанна Ибрагимова

    Жанна Ибрагимова


    Was here yesterday. I won't come again. Only because of the location. The doctor did not agree to treat my tooth for a long time, insisted and convinced me that I needed to pull it out. I had no pain or anxiety, I just had to patch the hole, the piece fell off. I barely convinced her that I would remove the tooth with more favorable opportunities and so that my time was not wasted, I asked her to resolve the issue. I had a nerve removed, it would seem why, if I am going to pull out this tooth the other day? 😁 Assisted by some not very good student who does not know all the terminology of drugs and equipment and whose hand is still not firm and has problems concentrating. Maybe I would not have written a review, but one thing is surprising. The doctor told me that I had a simple temporary seal, there was a fleece inside and I needed not to eat about 40 minutes, and when I signed the papers at the checkout, they wrote a light seal😄. Melancholic cashier, not eager to figure it out, but offered to call a doctor. The amount of the filling is a little more than 2000, for everything about everything I paid 21000, (apparently the nerve was expensive 😁). Fortunately, with insurance)). I didn't figure it out, it took a lot of self-control so as not to spoil my mood with this whole situation. By the way, when registering, you sign a bunch of papers that you are not claiming anything if you are injured in this clinic😊

  • Марина Ру

    Марина Ру


    I would like to thank the attending physician Aigul Nemovna for her professionalism, sensitive attitude towards the patient and care. Thanks!!!

  • Sara Moldagulova

    Sara Moldagulova


    Good evening! .. very grateful to the doctor Orazalina Kamilla Suraganovna .. my tooth was restored competently and painlessly ... the assistant and all the staff were friendly and pleasant! Keep it up, well done!

  • Нелли Зазулина

    Нелли Зазулина


    A wonderful clinic. Nice and polite staff, quickly serve each patient. Excellent doctors, professionals in their field. Dentistry is cozy and comfortable. I would like to express my gratitude to the specialists who provide dental treatment on time and correctly and help to solve any difficulties. Thanks to all the conveniences and competence of doctors, I would like to seek help here.

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