Стоматология Dent-Lux (Дент-Люкс) в Kokshetau

КазахстанСтоматология Dent-Lux (Дент-Люкс)



🕗 время открытия

129/20, Ulitsa Auyel'bekova, 020000, Kokshetau, Zerendi District, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7162 90 10 30
Веб-сайт: dent-lux.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 53.2843298, Longitude: 69.3925474

Комментарии 5

  • Виталий Скворцов

    Виталий Скворцов


    Terrible dentistry, they came for a consultation with the child, they took a picture of the tooth, they said that the tooth needed to be pulled out. They signed up for extraction, when they arrived they said that the tooth could be cured.

  • Нуржан Айтынбет

    Нуржан Айтынбет


    Children's doctor therapist Brazhnik Lyudmila Anatolyevna. Terrible attitude towards children. There are no words, only negative emotions

  • Назым Табарак

    Назым Табарак


    I will not even put 1 stars: 1. the call center works mediocre, detailed instructions on how to come, what they do not give, I am mistaken with the dates 2. politeness fades away from the front door and directly to the "so-called director of the institution": the attending physician speaks through clenched teeth, sitting back, annoyed at the repeated questions asked (it was not possible to hear the answers - in a mask, and besides, with his back). I had to first consult to every point and detail, and only then ask questions, AND NOT DO THIS DURING THE TREATMENT OF MY CHILD'S TEETH, with an open mouth and fears before treatment !!! WHERE IS HUMANITY. WHERE IS THE Oath of Hippocrates ????? !!!!!. To my indignation - not being annoyed to talk and explain sensibly, doctor Brazhnik began to lead me to emotions, demonstrating arrogance - I want to accept, I do not want to not accept. To my complaint about this doctor, the "director of the institution" pounced on me with the expression "I am the most important here", and the concept of "client - rights" does not exist for her. In general, being a client with 15 years of experience, I concluded: this "clinic" does not meet the standards of a modern clinic, with the presence of non-professional doctors, with rude guidance, for whom the concept of MERCY and treating a client with all the norms of medical ethics does not exist. The feeling was that the purpose of this institution was to cut down the grandmother, moreover, with a rude attitude. Disgusting attitude towards customers. The clinic has deteriorated since my last visit.

  • Сергей Мушак

    Сергей Мушак


    Thank you for your treatment ... Attentive and polite staff.

  • Гулим Токтарбаева

    Гулим Токтарбаева


    Hello. I haven’t come to you yet. I wanted to clarify if you have an x-ray of your teeth. After giving birth, all my teeth are sick, it's really hard. I don’t know which one. If there. I’ll come up to you. Feedback is good)

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