Стоматологическая клиника Dental Expert в Shymkent

КазахстанСтоматологическая клиника Dental Expert



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Иляева 22 Шымкент ТО, Shymkent 160000, Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 701 740 1910
Веб-сайт: www.dentalexpert.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.321241, Longitude: 69.5959629

Комментарии 5

  • Нурсултан Шадиев

    Нурсултан Шадиев


    He pulled out his upper teeth without any pain. Signed up quickly. Normal.

  • Aruana Aimanova

    Aruana Aimanova


    Very good dentistry with new equipment and great experts. I would like to express my special gratitude to doctor Aziza for my new smile and to the dental administration for their professionalism. Now the whole family will contact Dental Expert.

  • Ксения Ватутина

    Ксения Ватутина


    Recently I turned to the Dental Expert clinic in order to cure a crumbling tooth. I liked the clinic. Everything is neat and clean. The location is very convenient, it was easy to drive in and out. They made an appointment with Dr. Aziza. I checked all my teeth, told me in detail about the problem and its solution. There was no discomfort during the treatment, it should be noted that the doctor has soft hands. The filling turned out like natural teeth. Thanks.

  • Berik Suleimenov

    Berik Suleimenov


    I liked the clinic very much. The girl at the reception explains everything clearly, reminds of the visit. The first appointment was made to the dentist Olzhas. We did professional hygiene. The doctor explains from and to about all stages of cleaning and after the examination immediately announces the cost. Everything quickly and efficiently. After that, he made a filling with the same doctor. Everything is neat and even when they were injected with pain relievers, it didn't hurt at all. The price of fillings, probably, depends on the neglect of caries and teeth in general. I have an ordinary filling with anesthesia costing 8000. I think that such work is a very reasonable price. I would like to note that at the consultation, the doctor described all the problems in detail, answered questions about further treatment and price. Treatment is not imposed if there are dental problems, but do not bother. I will definitely come again. Thanks!

  • Даян Сансызбаев

    Даян Сансызбаев


    Finally I found a good clinic in Chimkent. It was comfortable and clean, the staff were friendly. I would like to express my special gratitude to the dentist Nursultan Muratovich. A very pleasant and competent doctor, he treated all my teeth and corrected the bite.

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