Students Polyclinic в Semey

КазахстанStudents Polyclinic



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C6FV+GX5, Semey 070000, Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 747 903 1184
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 50.4237719, Longitude: 80.2449916

Комментарии 5

  • Аяжан Жумабекова

    Аяжан Жумабекова


    Foyuoroteka of this clinic, namely, the employee left her workplace, referring to the lunch break for a longer amount of time than it should be. According to the schedule of her working hours, the lunch break is from 12:00 to 12:30. The employee showed up only at 13:37. I ask you to adjust the work of your employees

  • Turyus Turysbechina

    Turyus Turysbechina


    awful, scary, well nafig better not to get sick

  • Алдяир АМантай

    Алдяир АМантай


    One of the most horrible clinics in Kazakhstan. My mother had a headache and she went to be examined and took a picture of the head, adenomagypophysis (tumor), increased harmonic were placed. They took 1 more picture and looked at it and said there is no adenoma, but there is an increased harmonic she was given a pill that reduces 1000 harmonies each with very terrible side effects destroys the entire body, heart, liver, Everything appears excitement, the person becomes aggressive, and mentally LACKED, they are already ready to place an order she asked questions from the doctor via the online doctor said 1 more question I I throw you into the block, feeding the medical staff from the back. We went with the best doctor in the city, she said that she did not have a very large hormone of 0.35 and the doctors put the pills at 1000.00 She also worked there for 12 years in the past and acquaintances do this, they throw horrible pills into the block, although knowing that she does not have a very large hormone, I am afraid to imagine what would happen to ordinary people who did not work there if we did not go to a normal doctor. say not from a hormone but from a pill would * die *. Now she has 2 illnesses, but not very serious ones, if you cure one and 2 will come out. Everything worked out because of this, I was stressed, I had been ill 3 times in a month, it was terrible. 72kv polyclinic 0/1000 horrible polyclinic long queue floor cab policies are empty but they do not use it to remove a large crowd of people so easily you can catch the infection doctors without masks awful place.

  • Асель Имангалиева

    Асель Имангалиева


    Horrible hospital mess

  • Ернур Турсынгазин

    Ернур Турсынгазин


    If you have 2-3 people in line, and before lunchtime more than half an hour, then you can safely come tomorrow, today you will not be accepted

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