Supermarket Vkusnaya Korzinka в Taraz

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КазахстанSupermarket Vkusnaya Korzinka



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Taraz2, Taraz, Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.8870544, Longitude: 71.3414459

Комментарии 5

  • Ali Expect

    Ali Expect


    Ftoktovo grocery store in which there is a very large selection A unique store where you can buy many unique things for home use electronic appliances tables chairs household items from candlesticks to carpets there are all the pots Kazan checks cans small household items everything for your items to sit at home smokes smells quality service amateur In general, see for yourself, take a walk for all the best. You're cool! You are cheerful and cheerful! You have a charming smile! You are a wonderful companion. In the photo, you are seductive and sweet

  • Наталья Чанышева

    Наталья Чанышева


    Cheat with weight. I got cheese, on which weight is indicated 427 grams. Actual weight was 330 grams

  • кино фильм time

    кино фильм time


    Men 1 is in that past and in the same year, and you and I have already communicated with you and 5,732 at this 7 and are not able to understand and you can’t see 7 in the past and 6,443 6 and you don’t know what you haven’t seen anything and you don’t know whether it’s really the beginning and your head’s life and you don’t know if you need to be in your head or not like you and I don’t know what you want you think about me they all say and do not say what you know how and why you are so bad for a long time you don’t know what you know about 3 32 000 000 and what you don’t know 3 4 about and how do you think brother they tell you about you, they don't tell you the way you want

  • Ая Ли

    Ая Ли


    13 mk If I'm buying things in a shopping cart, I do not have a cashier, do not take this one chocolate. I did not even have a coffee before my client said.

  • Sweta Sweta

    Sweta Sweta


    Garbage kakaeta. I bought my daughter a ready-made gift from the Konti company with a toy it was written. I came home and opened it, I wanted to see what kind of toy. Yeah)) the gift was already half-empty and the toys were not shown. They just closed it and that's it. So, trust the basket. It is either the staff who open it and take it out and then sell it or the sellers themselves steal or whoever else is tama. I was very upset I bought the most expensive gift that was Tama and didn’t manage to surprise my daughter.

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