Tbilisi в Kokshetau




🕗 время открытия

70, Ulitsa Auyel'bekova, 020000, Kokshetau, Zerendi District, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 705 444 1515
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 53.2820424, Longitude: 69.3742768

Комментарии 5

  • Арман Зайнулин

    Арман Зайнулин


    I was in this institution for the first time, and I will say that I liked everything, the kitchen is cool, the steaks are excellent, the salads are delicious, the wine is generally awesome. The service is excellent, the prices are expensive, but if someone cannot afford why then come to such establishments. Definitely 5 stars. Thanks to the staff and chefs.

  • Yevgeniy Kim

    Yevgeniy Kim


    This time the waiter messed up with the order. They asked, among other things, for a barbecue from the chef. We waited for a long time, then asked how much longer we can wait? Excuses and explanations began that we allegedly did not want to order it and therefore the barbecue was not "punched". Later it turned out that everything was "punched" as it should, just the waiter could not find the barbecue immediately, and then he simply forgot about the order. Another point - he refused to replace a glass of wine with a decanter, because the order was already "broken". But the story with the barbecue confirmed that everything can be changed. The barbecue was replaced with a compliment - a delicious dessert and tea. We also asked to be transferred to a booth away from the noisy neighbors, but we were told that there was a serving for the reservation. However, in fact, nothing was served there, everything was the same as on other tables. A little unpleasant from this falseness. Saved the evening, however, the book for reviews, or rather, the review of an indignant client on the 16th sheet - we haven’t laughed like that for a long time 😁 There are no plans to visit the restaurant again in the near future, let's see what will change in 6-7 months.

  • Sher Jan Ahmadzai

    Sher Jan Ahmadzai


    Georgian food was great.

  • Бибигуль Ильясова

    Бибигуль Ильясова


    A beautiful restaurant. The music is bad. The room is small and the music is loud. The menu is good. Service is good

  • Евгения Бирюкова

    Евгения Бирюкова


    Yummy. Good service. High price tag, but it justifies itself. One thing is not strong, I personally liked the music. Music in the style of the restaurant, so no complaints.

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