Tsentr Doktora Bubnovskogo Kiparis в Нұр-Сұлтан

КазахстанTsentr Doktora Bubnovskogo Kiparis



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Қаныш Сәтбаев көшесі, 010000, Нұр-Сұлтан, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 701 531 1032
Веб-сайт: www.bubnovsky-kiparis.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 51.1516983, Longitude: 71.4669166

Комментарии 5

  • Maulet Tuyakov

    Maulet Tuyakov


    Good day to all! I go to this center with pleasure. And the first time I came to this center in 2014, at that time I had a problem with the spine with a closed fracture and now I go all day. The staff is very responsive and sympathetic. Kind and friendly staff. And the head of the Bubnovsky center, Cypress Vinogradova, Yana Sergeevna, is an excellent person. In September 2019, a disaster happened to me, I fell unsuccessfully and as a result of the operation, they put an artificial implant in the hip joint and if it weren’t for this center, I would still walk with a cane. So I recommend to everyone who has problems with the back, spine, and also with the hip joint.

  • Светлана К

    Светлана К


    Boorish attitude of the staff, boorish attitude of the Head. The simulators are old, in the room neither wet nor general cleaning is performed at all. The dust on the simulators in the showers is constantly dirty. The sauna is dirty. Some signs of fines, then you can’t. You can’t wash in the showers (they just get doused with cold water) - why then showers? I have a chronic sore throat, and the leader said they would get cold water. there was a sensation that she did not have medical knowledge.

  • Astana Kz

    Astana Kz


    I came to this place in a not very good position. I felt bad. Only 12 visits put me on my feet. It really helps. And the most important thing is the atmosphere. Really good guys work there. Which are always there and when necessary, ready to help and suggest. I am very grateful to these people. And for those who are thinking of going there or not, I will say one thing, do not, don’t go. Cheer on;)

  • Людмила Виногродская

    Людмила Виногродская


    Dear visitors of the Center! This is just a miracle! In four months of training, the intervertebral hernia has decreased from 5 mm to 2.37 mm. Now it is not a hernia, but a protrusion. Many thanks to the head and the entire staff of the Center for being you !!! I express my deep gratitude to the staff and instructors for their conscientious attitude to their profession. Anyone who doubts, even for a minute, do not hesitate. The result is obvious.

  • Анонимус Аноним

    Анонимус Аноним


    The leader is a terrible person, for her only money is important and not the health of patients, tactless, not educated, no matter who is in the sauna, a man or a woman can calmly come up and look there shouting "WHO IS IN THE SAUNA?" , although people are much more educated than her. when I was with patients, I began to scold a subordinate, thereby dropping the authority of the employee in front of the patients, so her staff often changes. Saves on everything !!! repairs in the room have not been done probably for 10 years. cuffs are few plus old ones! in general, 2 months of visiting this NOT a rehabilitation center, but the office for pumping out money was enough !!!

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