Tsentrkredit w Nur-Sultan




🕗 godziny otwarcia

16, Tauelsizdik Avenue, 010010, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakt telefon: +7 7172 91 61 41 ext. 505
strona internetowej: bcc.kz
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 51.1472826, Longitude: 71.4600556

komentarze 5

  • Оксана Берникова

    Оксана Берникова


    I would like to express my gratitude to all employees of the CenterCredit Bank branch at 16 Alexander Baraev Street. Only here I felt calm, thanks to the excellent specialists and a calm, friendly atmosphere. Those who took out a mortgage or are in the process will understand me. It is very important to interact with a competent, correct, tactful, responsive, benevolent specialist. I'm lucky! An excellent specialist - Muratov Symbat, thank you very much! I wish you success and professional growth!

  • Moldir Raimbaeva

    Moldir Raimbaeva


    Just awful. Elementary the application could not open. For this I need to go to the bank.

  • Sunny Saniya

    Sunny Saniya


    We took out a mortgage under the Baspana Hit program, I will share with you the whole procedure of registration: We chose an apartment, were lucky with realtors, real estate agency Elite, made an assessment in DV Appraisal, quickly assessed, took the necessary documents (certificate from the place of work, credit history, pension statement, with an EDS), put the initial amount into your account and handed all the documents to the manager Laura, a very nimble girl, a day later we had a letter of guarantee from the bank, on the basis of which we concluded a purchase and sale agreement. 🎉🎉🎉 after registering the sale and purchase agreement, we handed over the documents for a deposit, which is made for a maximum of 10 days, but already on the 4th day we were invited to sign, handed over the deposit for registration to a notary, which is very convenient, and please, issue it in a day. Why am I so happy, but because our friends were registered through Sberbank and it took much longer for friends to get a mortgage. So my friends, I recommend that you check out 😉, checked.

  • Baurzhan Urumbayev

    Baurzhan Urumbayev


    There are ATMs outside and a terminal inside to quickly perform operations

  • Alikhazh Karamurzin

    Alikhazh Karamurzin


    The most horrible bank place in Astana. You have to wait too much. I have wasted 1 hour to transfer cash.

najbliższy Bank

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