Tumar Hotel Aktobe в Aktobe

КазахстанTumar Hotel Aktobe


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ул Красногорская 11 корпус А, Актобе 030007 87132, 87784530484, Aktobe 501625, Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7132 50 16 25
Веб-сайт: hoteltumar.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 50.3152741, Longitude: 57.1497202

Комментарии 5

  • Кайрат Дуюсов

    Кайрат Дуюсов


    Loved it.

  • Евгений Борисов

    Евгений Борисов


    The hotel is nice and the food is delicious in the morning. Only staff need to be pulled up. I arrived in the morning at 7 or 8 in the morning, I don’t remember exactly. Booked for two days a room for me. The girl at the reception gave the keys and filled out all the documents, I calmly went to rest on the road. And when I left the room for lunch, they announced to me that due to the fact that I checked in an hour earlier than it should be, my payment would not be for two days as they booked, but for three, and I need to pay extra for a day, although they did not warn me that I would check in earlier when the keys were given. So be careful! But once again I want to note that the hotel itself is quite good and comfortable, and this incident that happened to me is due to the fault of a particular receptionist.

  • Askar Kozhagulov

    Askar Kozhagulov


    Dark in the corridors. Near a cafe or club, the music is very loud. And the price does not match the quality of the hotel. In my opinion 2 balls out of 10 points.

  • Maxim Yeremeyev

    Maxim Yeremeyev


    Good hotel in the bedroom of the city, and this is his only inconvenience. If I had a little more time, I would like to learn more about the city, or rather its center and the busiest streets. But alas, I had to walk only within a radius of 2 km. Of course, with such a radius you will not see anything beautiful in this area. However, they managed to find everything they needed, including two good cafes. The hotel itself met great. The room is clean, no odor. All linen is clean, white. The room is very warm. From the amenities there is everything you need: Shower, washbasin, toilet, refrigerator, wardrobe, TV, air conditioning, kettle. While the room is simple, the cheapest is the toiletries, breakfast is included in the price. Breakfast buffet. The selection is small, but everything is tasty and beautiful. In general, if you do not have a goal to take a walk in the center of the city with a small amount of time, it will suit you. Thanks to all the hotel staff!

  • Yaroslav T.

    Yaroslav T.


    For a 80$ room it is just not good enough. Bathroom equipment is worn out and outdated. Just like interior of a room. But, the bed is really good. Most importantly.

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