Yuzhnyy в Karaganda




🕗 время открытия

2, Säken Seifullin Avenue, 100000, Karaganda, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 49.8054266, Longitude: 73.0666797

Комментарии 5

  • Айгуля Жанибекова

    Айгуля Жанибекова


    Compared to what was, of course, much better in terms of the range of goods and choice, but far from the Norm. The new staff is not well trained, the parking lot is often not cleared of snow, and now there is a skating rink. Pros are: automatic lockers, electronic automated self-checkout counters (this is great!), The friendliness of the old staff. All in all a normal supermarket.

  • Ганибет Бексеитова

    Ганибет Бексеитова


    Terrible service in the baking sector The child said to give her 40 pancakes, she took it out at the beginning from under the counter, to which the child told her to give it from the window, maybe I was on the video call, for which this hamlo took everything from the window and gave pancakes for 3000 Land if you have already decided to work in the service sector Lacks wisdom and patience in a good way Before hiring people, check their mental state. Very bad Minus is a huge minus

  • Tatiana



    Compared to what it was .... Nice spacious hall, fresh renovation, there is one thing but I do not like the Yuzhny chain of stores, it seems to me that the prices for products are too high, and it all depends on the location, and it turns out that the same product costs more expensive than in another store, this is not even marketing already, but an elementary deception of customers, it should not be so in stores of the same chain!

  • Aldiyar Akhmetov

    Aldiyar Akhmetov


    Best Southern in the city. There are delicious pancakes like on Mukanova, thin and flavorful. Spacious with a convenient location for business. There are no cold drink refrigerators.

  • Tatiana Shipovskaya

    Tatiana Shipovskaya


    Yes, the prices are not cheap. But, I live nearby and often visit this supermarket with children. Always happy with fresh pastries, pastries, delicious salads. The assortment is wide. Large supermarket, like self checkout counters. Convenient parking. There is a QR. Convenient storage compartments.

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