Zheleznodorozhnaya Bol'nitsa в Uralsk

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

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КазахстанZheleznodorozhnaya Bol'nitsa



🕗 время открытия

Субботаоткрыт 24 часа
69Q4+8QW, Uralsk, Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 747 603 5886
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 51.2383603, Longitude: 51.356943

Комментарии 5

  • Марат Имашев

    Марат Имашев


    They called the reception for half a day to find out if the doctor was taking it or not, my mother (85 years old) had a pressure of 180, so as not to walk in vain, they didn’t pick up the phone, let’s go, and the doctor ended up on sick leave. A terrible institution, the doctors are rude, they are rude to the sick, the reception is fucked off-Akhmetzhanova A., for example, well, the rest are like, they all pretend to be kings and queens, and the patients are rubbish that "interferes with work." They were looking for another office for a long time - if one of the staff is asked where such and such an office is, they answer with rudeness. I highly do not recommend getting sick here and getting sick at all. Take care of your health, don’t smoke, don’t drink, keep as healthy as possible, leave these mediocrity in dressing gowns without their positions, for which they get a good salary, and it will cost you less to be healthy yourself. PS. The management of medical institutions does not look at these reviews - they also do not care about people who come to them with hope, so install the "Qoldau" application and write a complaint there with a specific indication of institutions and doctors - they will read and answer you about the measures taken.

  • Галима Абдрахманова

    Галима Абдрахманова


    I would like to express my deep gratitude to the gynecologist Lyazzat Muratovna. A low bow for your hard work, professionalism, warmth and cordiality. With all my heart I want to wish you health, prosperity in all spheres of life, a peaceful sky over your head, prosperity! With all my heart I am grateful to all the hospital staff for their friendly and professional attitude.

  • Адам Сск

    Адам Сск


    Shame on the jungle. The contact number is disabled all the time. We called the work number the mobile group works until 12 in the afternoon, you can just die. Nobody knows anything to put on a PCR test. Who was recruited there and what they were paid for. Just awful. Before that, they were attached to the 4th polyclinic. It's just a miracle, everyone knows everything and there were no problems

  • Elena Kuzhaeva

    Elena Kuzhaeva


    I have been observed in this clinic since childhood. The nurses and doctors have extensive experience and continuous experience. One drawback is that you have to sign up for narrow specialists. Good health to everyone 🙏

  • дария хасанова

    дария хасанова


    no treatment was received.

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