1st Policlinic в Uralsk

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

подтвержденные случаи




Казахстан1st Policlinic



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206А, Dostyk-Druzhby Avenue, Uralsk, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7112 50 47 20
Веб-сайт: pol1.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 51.2137693, Longitude: 51.3672745

Комментарии 5

  • Hekima



    You wait awfully long in queues, people quarrel with each other because the ticket system does not work, but is simply present !! Doctors often redirect to each other between offices, although all complaints should have been done by the first, not by the tenth. The mess is shorter! You complain to the regional health department, everything is temporary.

  • Венера Кабдолова

    Венера Кабдолова


    I just called. The girl was rude. I wanted to find out about the site after lunch, it doesn’t work. There was a nurse’s number before. But I lost my phone. I dialed the registration number through Google.

  • Bakhtiyar Muratovich

    Bakhtiyar Muratovich


    Passed for a fee Blood for sugar. I paid for it at the polyclinic and was sent to donate blood to the Diagnostic Center on Abay Avenue, then I returned for the tests and they gave me a piece of paper without a seal! After asking for a seal, they sent me back to 1 Polik. It's just a madhouse. My only mistake - I had to go for a fee in another private clinic.

  • Роза



    Was today in the polyclinic 1. "One hundred" years was not there and regretted that she had gone. I made an appointment with the doctor of the 18th section at 9.15 At the entrance, they said that they would take in 125 Cab. She stood there, it turned out that she was taking in the 126th. A girl was standing next to her, obviously ill, because she was constantly taking off her mask to breathe, her nose was stuffy. The nurse came out and led her into the office. Another girl came and went in too. At 9.15 I looked in and asked if it was possible to enter, to which the nurse "barked" to me: - "Wait, you don't see the man sitting!" When I came in 20 minutes later, I realized who the "boss" was. Maybe this nurse has more knowledge than the doctor sitting opposite, but I would not want to trust them with my health. Yes, it is hard for healthcare workers now: overwork, low salaries, pandemic, etc. But such elementary things as a respectful attitude towards people, towards those with whom you work (I'm not talking about the Hippocratic Oath, this nurse, I'm sure, doesn't even know who it is) should be first of all among the medical workers.




    Best hospital ever

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