Облыстық балалар ауруханасы в Uralsk

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КазахстанОблыстық балалар ауруханасы


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2/1, Хиуаз Доспанова көшесі, 090009, Uralsk, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7112 50 16 02
Веб-сайт: www.babybol.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 51.1828133, Longitude: 51.306603

Комментарии 5

  • Гаухар Черипова

    Гаухар Черипова


    I would like to thank the neuropathologist Ayazhan Suilemenkyzy, nurses Meiramgul Bolatovna, Moldir Batyrbekovna. Thank you very much and bow for your hard work, professionalism, warmth and cordiality. With all my heart I want to wish you health, prosperity in all spheres of life, a peaceful sky over your head, prosperity! With all my heart I am grateful to all the hospital staff for their friendly and professional attitude.

  • Динара Конырбаева

    Динара Конырбаева


    Many thanks to the surgeon Ilyas Galymzhanovich and the medical staff of the hospital for saving my son, who removed the plastic piece of the toy from the respiratory tract. In addition to the extraction, prophylaxis, inhalation, and observation after extraction were carried out. Good health and long life to all !!!

  • Nuric Play

    Nuric Play


    Great place for treatment. But there is one point about the insulation from the windows is not bad, so the wind blows because of this it becomes cold. A good staff communicates politely.

  • Ор Щлрп

    Ор Щлрп


    They lay for a week, there was an operation on cryptorchidism. The staff is nice, the doctors are attentive, the seams were neat, I hope that they did everything right. Everything is clear. The only claims to the dining room, the food is disgusting, reminiscent of slops. if you think logically that the children are given “healthy” food after the operations, then okay, but the parents accompanying them are paid there, and could separately cook normally. This is the only negative.

  • Алия Акжолова

    Алия Акжолова


    Good afternoon everyone I want to thank all the doctors who have put all their professionalism in the treatment of our son. we lay in the period from March 29 to May 24, 2019. All personnel of the intensive care unit under the leadership of Mirbulat Kairbayevich and the surgery department under the leadership of Alibi Hamidullievich. Always carefully, faithfully fulfill their duties. All the staff was worried about the health of his son, and so they courted, showed such great care, they did any procedure with love. Thanks to your attention, sensitivity, cordiality, our son is recovering and gaining strength day after day. Thanks to Azamat Mukhamedzhanovich, as a representative of the management team for the care shown about us, I was always interested in our health, explained everything clearly. Thank you very much to everyone who participated in the treatment of his son. Thank you for your kind attitude to patients, patience. All hospital workers are responsive, pleasant, sensitive, starting from the front door of the hospital, security guards, nurses, nurses and all-all doctors, you are all professionals. You have done everything possible and impossible to restore the health of our child. With all my heart I express my gratitude to the people in white coats, may Allah bestow you with the benefits of both worlds. P.s. And I would also like to add, God forbid, that our government should take care of you as much as possible, make more professional equipment, increase your wages to all of you (so that in a state institution the doctor’s salary was higher than in private clinics), provided with official transport , did everything necessary to improve the working conditions. The most important thing in human life is health, everyone knows that. I wish you all good health and a long happy life.

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