8 Poliklinika i Nur-Sultan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Kasakhstan8 Poliklinika



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4, Sembinov Street, 020000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 7172 39 99 99
internet side: www.emhana8.kz
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Latitude: 51.1657656, Longitude: 71.4479797

kommentar 5

  • Saniya Oshayeva

    Saniya Oshayeva


    Stuck in the 90s. No consistency and organization. Complete bureaucracy. She came to introduce her foreign vaccination into the system. In room 123, a new doctor was sitting, he did not know, he asked the nurse next to her, she said that they didn’t do this. After persistent convictions, she called the doctor Tukenova and said what could be done, but they did not have an EDS key. When will this negligence towards work end in our country? There is no one at the reception.

  • Меруерт Ахтохтинова

    Меруерт Ахтохтинова


    Since June, they could not attach, as a result, with my complaints, they barely attached us in September, okay, our doctor was seen at the 44th site only once now, now in November. Now on vacation, then on the road, I wonder for this there should be special doctors. Now another doctor accepts us and sent us to the nurse of the 44th section, she wrote us a letter without a stamp, I asked if a seal was needed, she said no. they asked, the office number was not the one just waited in the queue for 45 minutes. just because the chief doctor and the deputy also gave a damn about everything and so we have it all the time. this is the worst clinic. fish rots from the head, I think it all starts with the bosses. what kind of bosses .. ..n

  • Айжан Хуншан

    Айжан Хуншан


    I am very grateful to the gynecologist Zamira Zhaksylkovna and Mndik Gulnar. She does her job honestly and brilliantly. Tamvatolg left without looking at the sick person, saying that it was time to work. I went to see him twice in one day. He was really cruel.

  • Мухтар Смагулов

    Мухтар Смагулов


    1. Lost my sampling samples from 07.22.21 and in order to somehow maintain the visibility of the order sent on 07.24.21 the result of the old sampling from 07.07.21. The registration is a mess, neither in the laboratory nor in the main registry, there is no information on the selection - who came to me on that day on June 22, 21 and where he transferred my samples - no one knows anything! 2. The call center does not work with people, there is an automatic entry. Call back later, like everyone is busy, but in fact all operators are free. How did you know? Yes, I easily went up to the third floor and there I called them - not a single phone caught up, and they all look at me with guilty eyes. I had to order a home call for PCR in person in a live conversation with the operator. People, do not go to the laboratory there all around corona patients and a hotbed of epidemics !!! One even fell right in the clinic in the Clean Zone, because he did not wait for the PC to take samples in the Filter laboratory, the queues are long. It is better to immediately go to the call center on the 3rd floor of the children's department of the polyclinic 8 and apply without a queue, for almost healthy people. Good luck to everyone and don't get sick!

  • Акбота Абенова

    Акбота Абенова


    I sincerely express my gratitude for the professionalism and warmth of the urologist. 8 polyclinics Esenzhol Nurbol Talgatovich. An attentive, courteous, kind and wonderful doctor!

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