Akademiya Ortopedii в Нұр-Сұлтан

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

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КазахстанAkademiya Ortopedii



🕗 время открытия

12, Шоқан Уәлиханов көшесі, 020000, Нұр-Сұлтан, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7172 65 11 90
Веб-сайт: www.akademorto.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 51.1687978, Longitude: 71.4401979

Комментарии 5

  • А Мукушева

    А Мукушева


    Terrible attitude on Valikhanoaa. I wanted to put a retainer on my finger. The girl on the watsap is rude, don't get off the hook, you can't wait for an answer. I asked for the bodies of the leadership, does not give

  • Зульфия Джаппарова

    Зульфия Джаппарова


    The best center the service is super clean

  • KolyaXGod



    Just idiocy. We came to this store in advance by looking at the prices on the site. In the store, the cost of goods does not match what is written on their website. Secondly, looking at the cost of goods in this store, namely the pillows ortho-life model 1182 and comparing with the price from official dealers of Ortho-life, I was unpleasantly surprised. In the store it costs 26,000 tenge, and for dealers it costs 2150 rubles (13,000 tenge not including delivery (+ - 400 rubles), you can go there and see for yourself. The price is almost doubled ... And since I found this with one goods, then most likely all the goods from this organization are sold at a very high price. This organization simply deceives customers by reselling a product with a very high price. After this, I do not see the point to me and I think those who read this review come to this place and spend our hard-earned money, giving them to these rogue dealers m in white coats who are trying to earn money from people and their lack of knowledge of the market. I hope the crooks who work in this store will think and change. Thank you all, it is better to order the same goods from the Internet from official dealers with home delivery, saving 2, and then 10 thousand tenge.

  • Адема Сейтжан

    Адема Сейтжан


    Great service. Thank you so much that there is such a place in our city where you can get treated and get a positive from the staff. The operation was successful, treated well both before and after the operation. 👍👍👍

  • Erjan Cuba

    Erjan Cuba


    Competent specialists, very polite and knowledgeable staff. I liked the individual approach to each client. Many thanks to Artem Yuryevich, Viktor Borisovich, Duman (patronymic unfortunately forgot), nurse Alma and all the staff.

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