Too Muzhskoy Tsentr Zdorov'ya I Dolgoletiya в Nur-Sultan

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КазахстанToo Muzhskoy Tsentr Zdorov'ya I Dolgoletiya



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3, Yegemen Qazaqstan Gazeti Street, 010000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7172 37 50 55
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 51.16593, Longitude: 71.4511531

Комментарии 5

  • Сауле Байтуарова

    Сауле Байтуарова


    I want to thank the dermatologist Aizada Zhamashevna! You are number 1 specialist for me. More to such doctors! thank

  • Айдана Рахметова

    Айдана Рахметова


    Everything suited me. Was at a reception with a gynecologist Valentina Vazhanovna (I go to her for a long time, used to take to Legartis) and therapist Nadia Zhanuzakovna. I will not write about Valentina Vazhanovna, since I have been observing her for 10 years. I liked the therapist, she listened patiently, the reception lasted almost an hour, no one was breaking in the door and not hurrying the doctor. I looked from inside to out, expecting to appoint a bunch of examinations, but no. I was determined by the diagnosis almost immediately (I also checked with another therapist, I have such a habit of double-checking). The reception was completely arranged, I will definitely recommend it to friends. In the center, everything is also ok, there is no fuss, administrators as administrators are polite.

  • Марина Иващенко

    Марина Иващенко


    I want to thank the psychologist Kirichenko Olga Yakovlevna !!! Olga Yakovlevna thank you! You are a doctor from God! In general, I am a skeptic by nature, such a skeptic must also be searched! I will not name the names of eminent psychologists, who have nothing, but with regalia, stupid sorry. My story of acquaintance with Olga Yakovlevna is as follows: for more than one year I watched a friend who worked with her about the "crown of celibacy" like that .... she did not marry today (changed her mind, priorities changed), but the external and internal state of height. The most important thing that hooked me up, the business went uphill and allergy hasn't bothered me for the second year already. I sort of understand everything, and I want to teach myself, I will try the dike, and it began. Everything was not so simple, it seems there were no problems, but there was a break-up on trifles, Olga Yakovlevna, I still cannot understand how you managed to change my world! I recommend everyone to clean the head with the help of a psychotherapist doctor! Olga Yakovlevna can handle any of your questions, as she says: "You just want to want to help yourself and understand what to do."

  • Berikhan Jasybai

    Berikhan Jasybai


    Now I want to thank my doctor, Elena Alexandrovna Podbornov, for giving me the joy of being a real man, in every sense of the word! I wanted to restore only normal urination, but my doctor insisted on trying to return both my potency and vitality. There were doubts, but after treatment I felt 10 years younger, now everything became possible for me!

  • Юрий Михайлов

    Юрий Михайлов


    I want to thank the urologist Elena Podbornov for her understanding and professionalism! To be honest, it was embarrassing to go to a doctor for a woman with the problem of impotence and even at such a young age, but my friend recommended and I still came. After talking with the doctor, I realized that you have a gift to inspire and give faith in your strength, I am sure that not as much medicine as your energy brought me back to my former state! Now I feel great, thanks again and let you be fine!

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