Akmolinskiy Oblastnoy Kozhno-Venerologicheskiy Dispanser i Kokshetau

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanAkmolinskiy Oblastnoy Kozhno-Venerologicheskiy Dispanser



🕗 åbningstider

Akan Seri Street, 020000, Kokshetau, Zerendi District, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 7162 26 96 76
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.2788933, Longitude: 69.3560628

kommentar 5

  • Галина Братчикова

    Галина Братчикова


    Horror, but you can’t get through to the hospital, we can’t find out the result of the analysis within 14 days

  • Светлана Фидченко

    Светлана Фидченко


    Why is there a phone at all, explain? Since the morning I can not get through, what kind of chaos? The dial tone goes on, they pick up the receiver and you drop the silence, you immediately call back the line is already busy. How then to make an appointment? In general, horror, what the hell is this ...

  • Жан Исимбаев

    Жан Исимбаев


    Good dispensary. So decide for yourself if you need it. Perhaps you will like it there, but maybe not. So good luck.

  • Kzkz kzkz

    Kzkz kzkz


    Although there is a direction, though there is no price as a private owner. To make money for an unknown doctor. Better the private owner there is unruly

  • Оля Си

    Оля Си


    Mess!!! What kind of hospital is this? Record by time, come by appointment it turns out you need to take a ticket! To the reception desk, which at 5 o’clock no longer works! What's the news??? Why do not they say this on the phone at the reception desk ???? In the direction of the therapist is not recorded. The therapist himself can only record. The atmosphere is terrible to say the least. The lights in the corridor blink, they act on the nerves. Horror!!! Quiet horror!!!! We are talking about the health of the nation ... How many nerves need to be spent to treat common acne.

nærmeste Hospital

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