Almaty Sapar i Almaty

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanAlmaty Sapar



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177, Zhamakaeva Street, 050059, Almaty, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 727 339 4242
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.210682, Longitude: 76.9558274

kommentar 5

  • Tistylez



    Good hotel, warm, rooms are not small, there is everything you need. Price and quality are consistent.

  • Aleksandra Rozhko

    Aleksandra Rozhko


    Were on a January weekend. First, we settled on the first floor in room 114, smoking rooms and therefore the smell was musty and smelly, the carpet on the floor was covered with bald patches and dirty, whose hair, garbage, curtains were very dirty, the furniture was ancient and blacked out. The bed was seemingly clean, but I don’t know how much. The staff, upon request, settled us on the third floor in room 310. It was better there, the rooms were warm and even hot, it did not stink of smoke. The toilet and bathroom are in good condition, the water was both cold and hot, I would like more pressure. Well, the floors and wallpapers are tattered in places. In the morning we were brought breakfast. No one cleaned the room for five days, and until you yourself say to remove the red clothes after breakfast, you will live there with it, and they will take it away when they bring a new breakfast. Of course, I understand that our rooms were budget, but the floors and curtains can be put in order. The hotel is nice from the outside, but the interior is dark and without tasty in my opinion, it draws one star in terms of decor.

  • Zhamilya Erikovna

    Zhamilya Erikovna


    I really liked the hotel! Cozy, beautiful and the staff are also nice.

  • Райхан Жамбылова

    Райхан Жамбылова


    Thanks to your first. 👍👌 We rented a room for our guests. My guests are satisfied. Will definitely advise all friends. Prosperity to you 👍

  • SabaQ



    The hotel is good, not to say that super. The staff are good, will make a discount. The pool, I will say straight away, is icy in summer. Not far away there is an Uzbek cafe, prices are cheap and very tasty cuisine.

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