Antikafe Vanil' V Shymkente i Shymkent

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanAntikafe Vanil' V Shymkente



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Маметовой 1 В, уг. ул Байтурсынова, Shymkent 160016, Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 7252 31 44 35
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Latitude: 42.3332718, Longitude: 69.5981165

kommentar 5

  • Майк Есенин

    Майк Есенин


    It's okay. Only very closely and there is space for parking.

  • Жанара Булатова

    Жанара Булатова


    There was an unpleasant odor in the room

  • Ирина Горковенко

    Ирина Горковенко


    Not very polite service, some new rules. Cinema will not be included if the company has not gathered. Generally some nonsense.

  • Arman Ussen

    Arman Ussen


    Great place, but it is better not to go in the summer because the ground floor does not always include air conditioning. And the operating time is only up to 12 and then the administrators are in a hurry to kick you out

  • Janka Omarova

    Janka Omarova


    Ah, this place gives a lot of memories восп, although there is nothing special, but it is cozy and warm, you can play board games like cards, jenga, mafia and many other games, you can watch movies or play with friends in the playtation ( PlayStation), or in table football, and very tasty cookies you can eat with a very cool assortment of tea with Tess, and for me this place does not get old for gatherings with my friends, and there is wifi inside, everything you need. If parents are not allowed to hang out at home, that is, anti-cafe Vanille I always prefer to have fun time there

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