Araj i Kyzylorda

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Aray, Abdreyeva 6, Kyzylorda 120000, Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 701 350 6644
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Latitude: 44.8044831, Longitude: 65.5195461

kommentar 5

  • Vika Harchenko

    Vika Harchenko


    The water in the shower does not go well. Weak wi-fi. Poor quality of channels on the TV. But the beds are comfortable and there is air conditioning

  • Birzhan Amangeldy

    Birzhan Amangeldy


    Rooms are clean, bedding is available, air conditioning is working, quiet, soap accessories are missing, breakfast was included. On the ground floor of a cafe with a C grade

  • Алимжан Токбаев

    Алимжан Токбаев


    During the month of Ramadan, the food was warm and the service was excellent!

  • Nursultan Mamykov

    Nursultan Mamykov


    Stopped on a business trip. Good location, it is convenient that the cafe is on the 1st floor. I rented a deluxe room I advise the location was close for work. Only the heat conder could barely cope with 50 degrees

  • Nursultan Orazgaliev

    Nursultan Orazgaliev


    All is well. + Cards are accepted Only in the bathroom there is nothing but a roll of toilet paper. And thanks for that. Everything is clean, without foreign smell, Kander works. A good place.

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