Avtovokzal i Uralsk

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Uralsk, Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7
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Latitude: 51.2264692, Longitude: 51.4378527

kommentar 5

  • Mr_KiLLaURa Channel

    Mr_KiLLaURa Channel


    It seems to me that this place is worth visiting for household goods - but not for buying food. The quality of any croutons, chips or the like is very poor and harmful to health, much more harmful than Lays or popular brands. The service is very slow - only two people work at the checkout and there are a lot of people. The interior of the store resembles a warehouse - even the hypermarkets are better equipped than this place. I do not recommend buying goods there, the maximum is better to take basins or something else - but not crackers or the like.

  • Виктория Мухамедьярова

    Виктория Мухамедьярова


    Not very high quality products

  • гена кузнецов

    гена кузнецов


    In the morning I bought a cat litter and a cheese product for sandwiches 2 shtkui, and when I came home and my wife looked at the check, there I just didn’t buy anything. Any rubbish for 800 tenge. The people in this store, the cashiers, take the goods at your expense. Thieves' shop, bypass it.

  • Ruslan Smith (AGRA)

    Ruslan Smith (AGRA)


    Simple and necessary is available, hypermarket

  • Aliya Nurtaeva

    Aliya Nurtaeva


    Awful hotel. It's a pity to give even 1 star. I advise you not to leave personal belongings in the room, as they magically disappear. And no one here is responsible for anything. A complete mess.

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