Бар “James Bond” Костанай (Бар Джеймс Бонд) i Kostanay

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KasakhstanБар “James Bond” Костанай (Бар Джеймс Бонд)



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ул Алтынсарина 153 костанай Праздник Каждый День!, Kostanay 110000, Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 707 296 2906
internet side: www.barjamesbond.kz
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Latitude: 53.2214227, Longitude: 63.6458134

kommentar 5

  • Syz 101

    Syz 101


    A very small selection of songs, especially in the Kazakh language, there is practically not a single contemporary performer. For dances, they also included all the old hundred-year-old songs, from Kazakhstani performers only once were IK.

  • Роман Вельман

    Роман Вельман


    Good food, great service. Normal place to drink and sing!

  • гуня ерденова

    гуня ерденова


    Great place to relax ... top notch music ... kitchen fire and atmosphere too

  • lida Akmagambetowa

    lida Akmagambetowa


    Excellent karaoke bar, polite staff, they greeted us perfectly, there were a lot of 15 people, they immediately organized everything for us as it should be and promptly thank them for this, the karaoke itself for all 5 and the dance floor music, fire danced without stopping ..

  • Zamira Tutor B

    Zamira Tutor B


    This place is very expensive for being just karaoke place. Went there for the first time. To clarify: it is not a BAR; its karaoke place, and kinda club, in order to carry the name bar they have to have more chairs n definitely cocktail menu with large amount of drinks. To enter on Saturday you have to pay entrance fee which is ok, but the program is below poor. Constant attention of their photographers even when you dance makes the atmosphere not welcoming feeling like you are being watched. I don't think its OK to just walk around and point the big camera in every direction while people relax and drink alcohol. The waitress was rude and when asked to bring clean glass acted like it was a big deal. Only one Female toilet for the whole facility and not clean. If this place had been cheaper I wouldn't have written such a long review, but when you pay at least $$ per beer and $$ for the entrance the place shall be much better, staff trained, dinnerware clean and sparkly, and at least several bathrooms to avoid long que in peak hours. I will never come back to this place again and would not recommend to anyone. Ответ на ваш вопрос . Завышенные цены. Нахальное отношение официантки "Бар" - не бар а клуб, баром и не пахнет. Туалет в негожем состоянии "Папарацци" которые ходят по кругу и щелкают без разбора всех и вся, мешая отдыху. Гарделобщица где выдаются билетики как с отношением пошли все вы н....й. Извините за открытое недовольство, но за такие бабки вы рубите, закройтесь, переименуйте или снимите название. Джеймс Бонд ни при чем тут, позор. Гости города были в большом расстройстве от увиденного...

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