Центр Цифровой Стоматологии Dr.Edil Boribay i Almaty

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanЦентр Цифровой Стоматологии Dr.Edil Boribay



🕗 åbningstider

247/4, Rozybakiev Street, 050060, Almaty, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 700 220 8000
internet side: www.boribay-stom.kz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.2039125, Longitude: 76.8931322

kommentar 5

  • Молдир Идренова

    Молдир Идренова


    I want to express my deep gratitude to the best dentist in the world - Ashim Aliya Bakytkalievna! All my life, even at the sight of dentistry, I was trembling, I was afraid to go to dentistry! Aliya Bakytkalievna is such an attentive, sensitive and cordial specialist that thanks to her I got rid of my fears! For the second year now, I go to see only her and no one else! Thank you very much My dear Aliya Bakytkalievna! Thank you very much that there are still such specialists in the world! Specialists of the highest level and professionalism like you! 😘😘😘🙌🙌🙌🙏🙏🙏

  • Aiko ZH

    Aiko ZH


    Better late than never. Clinic for 5, but! Two years ago, before leaving, a young girl made a filling for me, this filling holds perfectly, but the piece of the tooth she drilled fell off after four months.

  • Levan Lomtadze

    Levan Lomtadze


    It was super, friendly atmosphere+professionals and great quality work done ,thank you once again 👍👍👍

  • medet kenenbayev

    medet kenenbayev


    Very good service. The reception is welcoming and staff is very professional. Would recommend to everyone!

  • Peter Sobol

    Peter Sobol


    I didn’t use here but I just wanted to report that the cost for a cleaning is 15,000 tenge according to the woman at the front desk. I am a foreigner.

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