Dom Otdykha Zeren i Akmola Province

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanDom Otdykha Zeren


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R-230, 020000, Zerendi District, Akmola Province, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7
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Latitude: 52.9173386, Longitude: 69.0881038

kommentar 5

  • Sergey Ostrovskiy

    Sergey Ostrovskiy


    Great vacation spot ...

  • VK Z100

    VK Z100


    Nice place, clean lake, not yet dirty nature. The house itself is not bad, a large swimming pool, well-equipped territory. Minuses: -for this money there is little service, it is bad in all areas -cleanliness and sanitation 4 out of 10 (bad, given the current situation with KVI) -the food is meager but often served cold -procedures - just for show and most of them are paid (in comparison with other sanatoriums) -the building itself, as well as the territory, require cosmetic repairs -A clear minus - the lack of a steam room at the pool Bottom line: If we eliminate all of the above, we will get a good place for family vacations for a reasonable price.

  • Max Cool

    Max Cool


    Were in Zeren from July 12-13 in a vip-cottage. Just super. Finally, get enough sleep. Nature, fresh air, barbecues, swimming, pool, table tennis.

  • Ain West

    Ain West


    I rested in Zeren for the first time and with my family, nature itself is fabulous! The rooms are warm and cozy, polite staff at the reception, help and advise on all issues. The kitchen is amazing! Special thanks to the chef and admin Angel!) In general, 5 points !!!) I will definitely visit again!

  • Tatyana Khoroshun

    Tatyana Khoroshun


    Luxurious territory, everything is arranged, polite staff and administrator, at the reception there is a lovely girl, Lena, who offered to see the room. Accommodation includes three meals a day, has its own pool, treatment, excursions, and most importantly, air and lake !!! Come where you will be welcome !!!

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