Dostarmed в Nur-Sultan

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

подтвержденные случаи







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14, Dinmukhamed Qonayev Street, 020000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7172 44 61 61
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 51.1285519, Longitude: 71.4330381

Комментарии 5

  • G B

    G B


    Sharashkin's office. Irresponsible and shameless. From some doctors and nurses to administration. They behave as if they are selling you furniture and not health. I hope in the future you will be sued that it will not seem a little.

  • Мария Жанибекова

    Мария Жанибекова


    We were several times in this clinic, at the urologist Berik Bakhytovich. Consulted us on the cause of Hydronephrosis of both kidneys. In January we were at his reception, made an appointment, but they could not announce the prices to us, they explained this by the fact that after the new year the prices had been raised and the receptionist had not yet learned the prices. We signed up without knowing the prices, I don't know if they do a baby ultrasound. As it turned out, ultrasound is not done there. The doctor gave us a superficial consultation. He took from us 6 thousand for the reception. An ultrasound scan costs 5 thousand, of course the money was returned to us, but with such indignation. According to the last ultrasound, made 2 weeks ago, it was clear that hydronephrosis is present in both kidneys. As a result, we turned to another paid clinic, there they already sent us through the portal to the 2nd hospital on Koshkarbayev 64, the operation was coming soon, the urologist Berik Bakhytovich gave us his number so that we would throw off the ultrasound scan, after that he did not answer the messages at all.

  • Gaini gaini

    Gaini gaini


    Dear clinic administration, I ask you to save patients from useless walking to the coordinator for referrals to doctors and writing a prescription to a pharmacy. This is not a necessary unit (coordinator). Doctors will cope with this work themselves to write a prescription in the pharmacy, referral for tests, etc. Initially, there is an appointment with the doctor in the registry, then you go to the coordinator to write out the directions to the doctor, you sit and wait for the coordinator, who is not always in place, after receiving the direction you go to the doctor, and then again you go to the coordinator to write out the direction for analysis, ultrasound, to write a referral to a specialist and a prescription in a pharmacy. At the same time, this coordinator does not know what is covered by insurance, sits and calls the dispatcher or is not clear to anyone, and only after the call begins to write out a prescription for the pharmacy and referral for analysis. As a result, it turns out that we lose time and energy and nerves walking to the coordinator, while the coordinator, by her behavior, leads the patients to hysteria. In addition, I want to note that she coordinator makes an appointment with a doctor without the registry of her friends. So, on February 25, 2020, after treatment, I turned to the registry for a second appointment with a neurologist, they told me that the neuropathologist is now free and I can go to her, at the same time a young man came up and said that he had an appointment for the same time, it turned out he was sent by the coordinator herself and she also appealed to me that she had a record in her phone. The question is, why then the registry? In addition, through the registry I was recorded on 02/26/2020 at 13:00 to a cardiologist, the cardiologist approached by time and said that her working day was over, the appointment was not made. This is how your doctors work, starting with the coordinator or the so-called head doctor A. Nurgaliyeva

  • Вася Гыра

    Вася Гыра


    Let God want here servant darigerlerge otherwise silenced amino efficient speed of the common good is happening darigerler speed Dey tusintetin

  • Тахмина Карамбаева

    Тахмина Карамбаева


    Dear administration of the clinic, I ask you to take measures and take to work doctors who treat patients and do not bring them to tears! I came by appointment with a doctor to a mammologist (woman), on the telephone they said that the clinic is working today, the doctor not only did not begin to receive me, although the heads called her. the doctor and the cashier, having launched me into the office, began to insult me, making me cry how after such a thing she can call herself a doctor, even in clinics the doctors are not so cruel and make concessions! I am a nursing woman with a small infant, she explained the situation that the baby is sick and I can’t go there! But she didn’t have any tactics and humanity, she started saying “that you didn’t give birth to me, etc. "

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