Republic Diagnostic Center в Nur-Sultan

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КазахстанRepublic Diagnostic Center


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2, Syganak Street, 020000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7172 70 15 50
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 51.1259735, Longitude: 71.407437

Комментарии 5

  • Almagul Nagimtayeva

    Almagul Nagimtayeva


    Hello. With all my heart I would like to thank the physician therapist Alexandra Ivanovna Kaparova. A very competent, helpful, incredibly polite doctor. I stand by the attachment, on her site. No matter how much she turns, she will always accept with a smile, tell, explain, prescribe treatment and send her. I call her my favorite and most beautiful doctor.

  • Talgat Omarov

    Talgat Omarov


    I was booked at 16.45. Came 16.35 to the reception. They said they will call and wait in the corridor. Doctor - Irina Ten Eduardovna. Allegedly, an angiosurgeon. I waited until 4:15 pm and for the third time I went to the reception to ask "what's going on, why haven't they called for 30 minutes already." They offered to go to the office door, i.e. into the inner corridor. And there was a patient sitting at the door, who was booked for 16.30. It turns out that while I was waiting at the reception in that corridor, other patients were passing by. And I knocked on the door of the doctor's office. They asked me to wait 5 minutes, they say, with another patient, they’ll finish. And so another 15 minutes passed. I, who came from Aktau in the hope that in that institution I will be able to be served at a high level. And I waited 45 minutes for that, not counting the fact that I came 10 minutes before my time. As a result, he broke the direction in front of her eyes. And this is called the ACC. She didn’t even ask for forgiveness for making me wait so long. All in all, the service is lame hard.

  • Olga Yermolenko

    Olga Yermolenko


    From July 7 to July 22, she underwent an examination in the RDC of the city of Nur-Sultan. Everything was clearly organized, all examinations and analyzes, diagnostics were timely passed - and for this I am very grateful to the entire team of the republican diagnostic center! Special gratitude and gratitude to the doctors who consulted and examined me: endocrinologist Salykbaeva Zh. K., nephrologist Kuanshaliyeva Zh. K., rheumatologist Aitzhanova R. M. Sensitive, attentive and highly qualified Doctors. Thank you very much for your understanding, professionalism, for your hard work and dedication to your work!

  • Вера KZ

    Вера KZ


    I was examined at the ACC from September 23 to October 5. I would like to express my gratitude to the cardiologist M.E. Samarkhanova. , medical nurse Paramonova L.A., neurologist Zhulamanova G.M. and the nurse of the neurological department! Very attentive and empathetic towards their patients!

  • Elaman Usupbekov

    Elaman Usupbekov


    Relatively good diagnostic center, just be sure to make an appointment in advance. There is “Check up” division, which offers high class diagnostic methods.

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