Медицинский Центр Callisto» в Nur-Sultan

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КазахстанМедицинский Центр Callisto»



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29/1, проспект Мәнгілік ел, 020000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7172 64 44 64
Веб-сайт: callisto-med.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 51.1088495, Longitude: 71.4290154

Комментарии 5

  • Inna Rakhmatulina

    Inna Rakhmatulina


    Good evening ! I want to express my gratitude to Callisto Beauty clinic. I’m 52 years old, the first I had to turn to the services of cosmetology. And I was very pleased to receive them in this clinic. Such a service as Mikrotoki phoned all of her friends, friends of the nearest beauty salons, no one could help me. I especially want to thank the beautician Ainagul Kabdenovna for her professional skills and knowledge. Special thanks to the girls at the reception Zarina and Dilyara for their smiles, service and service.

  • Мисс Жамиля

    Мисс Жамиля


    High professionalism, reverent attitude towards the patient, comprehensive analysis and effective recommendations! In general, I liked the situation in the clinic, the receptionists are polite, the clinic staff communicate correctly, the clinic is clean, fresh and very comfortable. I was pleased with the efficiency of the work of the staff. In addition, the clinic is automated. -you can charge the phone, medical equipment: masks, shoe covers, friendly staff! Many thanks for such a reverent attitude towards me from Dr. Abdualieva G.M. and the administrator Zarina. With warmth and respect, Alimbaeva Raikhan.

  • Merey Smailova

    Merey Smailova


    Great clinic. Everything is thought out for trifles: service, treatment, feedback. I would also like to thank Rashid Gazizovich, master of his craft. I advise everyone, you will not regret it.

  • Zuriya Bekpassova

    Zuriya Bekpassova


    for a very long time I did not dare to apply to the services of cosmetologists already living in Astana, because, from my friends, colleagues and acquaintances I heard more about the fact that these services in this city, firstly, are very expensive in cost, it is unjustified and what is important, the results are not very pleasing, but I still made up my mind because age-related changes in appearance already make it known and aesthetically I want to look well-groomed and beautiful! I looked through a lot of information, decided on several cosmetology clinics and opted for the Callisto Cosmetology Center, I was lucky that I got to the cosmetologist Zera Zaykenovna Tuleubaeva, very pleasant in communication, professional, competent in all matters of aesthetic cosmetology, the treatment of which she conducts and the procedures are effective and efficient, she gives simple and very effective recommendations! I think she is the best cosmetologist in Astana! and by the way, the prices in this cosmetology center are very acceptable! I recommend now to all my relatives, friends, colleagues and acquaintances to contact “Callisto” and to Zera Zaykenovna!

  • Zhanna A

    Zhanna A


    Good evening everyone. I really like the center, first of all, this center has the best cosmetologist Zere Zaytkenovna, I have trusted my face to an excellent doctor for several years now, I am very satisfied! He will always advise which procedures are right for my face, the hand is light, I really like the results! Zere Zaytkenovna sees exactly what needs to be corrected, my face is gathered, beautiful cheekbones, I have not remembered about nasolabials for a long time, she always knows how you feel after each procedure - it is always so reliable and calm in my soul. It is very important to find a professional cosmetologist, this is still a face! Secondly, the center is very beautiful, you go in and everything is on the level, nice and polite girls. I am very pleased! Thank you, Zere Zaytkenovna, for your work and knowledge! Great center!

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