Etalon-Stom i Karaganda

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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30 "Б, Nurken Abdirov Avenue, 100000, Karaganda, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 702 713 0077
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.8067808, Longitude: 73.0992594

kommentar 5

  • Valentina Ptitsa

    Valentina Ptitsa


    Was good. And now it has become sooooo expensive and very bad. I came back from the clinic and lost the whole day, did not do what I asked, as a result I cannot chew, my teeth are crooked. The impression is that there are no good specialists there, only exorbitant prices. To fill a tooth, if with canals it will cost 50,000. Guys! Where are these prices? Put a crown 40,000, put a filling 50,000. And most importantly, they do not even offer to make a correction. Do you want to eat or do not eat. Have paid and go for a walk. The attitude towards the client is incorrect.

  • Эльдар Имранов

    Эльдар Имранов


    Good equipment, great attitude to the client! Dentists are high-level specialists!

  • Marry Me

    Marry Me


    Expensive ! The prices are overpriced and the quality is average. 40,000 tenge for a tooth treatment for a child (10 years old) is very cool

  • Татьяна



    Today, for the first time, I turned to the "Etalon" stomatology. And I express my gratitude! Maxim and Alisher at the retsepsin. Many thanks to the surgeon Musulman Sheralievich, “low bow,” for your professionalism, responsiveness, kindness, courtesy. Good luck and prosperity ...

  • Alexey Pinigin

    Alexey Pinigin


    The cost is lower than in Dentista on Kostenko 10. And the quality of services is the same level. I made myself a canal filling two teeth, a crown 1 tooth, I liked the quality and professionalism of the master Myrzykbaev Dinmukhamet.

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