Eurodent i Almaty

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42, Zhandosov Street, 050000, Almaty, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 7272 74 25 38
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.2312613, Longitude: 76.8986616

kommentar 5

  • may wong

    may wong


    Dr Plonitkov is the best I ever encountered. He’s knowledgeable, patient, hands are gentle! He did a wonderful job on my teeth and his technique is world class! I came to doctor PLOTNIKOV ALEXANDER VALERYEVICH, because his colleague Leila did a very bad job with my teeth. he is very professional and his hands are very gentle. I am an American living here in Almaty. I have gone to different dentists in other parts of the world and I think Dr. Plonitkov is top-notch and his technique is comparable to that of the best orthodontists in Beverly Hills!

  • Гарбич Коллектор

    Гарбич Коллектор


    Hello! I would like to share my impression of visiting the dental clinic "Eurodent", which is located on the street. Zhandosov 42. A big plus is the location and good transport links. At the entrance you will be met by the administrator, given shoe covers and an antiseptic. Waiting time up to 10 minutes, no more. The doctor himself comes for you and leads you to the office. Now I’ll tell you how the initial examination goes). The doctor carefully examined each tooth and spoke as if there were problems. After I was taken to another office, there was an apparatus for 3D - dental imaging, we took it and went to see the result in the first office. The picture was taken to plasma and began to show, zoom in and tell everything about teeth and gums. In parallel, I asked questions As a result of the examination, the doctor Yekaterina Aleksandrovna drew up a treatment plan: change two fillings on the incisors, restore the six on the lower jaw, and you can live peacefully) I was immediately informed about the price. A week later I signed up for the replacement of fillings. I liked how the doctor worked, very carefully, paying attention to every little thing, the assistant also always helped and distracted me from a not very pleasant procedure. The second time I came two days later for the restoration of the six (2/3 tooth). It didn’t hurt at all and it wasn’t scary. I was glad that the price did not change as a result, everything was as it was in the contract. This is how I cleaned my teeth in three visits.

  • Gaukhar Jaxybekova

    Gaukhar Jaxybekova


    Good afternoon, I treated teeth with Konstantin Nikolaevich Evdokimov, thank you very much, an excellent specialist, a professional in his field. For 12 years I have trusted my teeth only to this dentistry on Dzhandosov, I advise everyone to doctor Konstantin Nikolaevich Evdokimov.

  • Гузаля Зинурова

    Гузаля Зинурова


    The most super-duper dentistry with real professionals in their field! Guys, thank you all!

  • Sultan Sakhariyev

    Sultan Sakhariyev


    I am using this dental clinic for more than 7 years now. The service is always great, prices are higher than average, yet I believe it is worth it! I recommend this clinic.

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