Городская поликлиника №5 w Taraz

KazachstanГородская поликлиника №5



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Rysbek Batyr Street, Taraz, Jambyl District, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakt telefon: +7 7262 56 86 62
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.9088516, Longitude: 71.3449681

komentarze 5

  • Amina Muratbek

    Amina Muratbek


    15VOP told the orthopedist that next week, two weeks have passed, there is no responsibility, and the ultrasound is more than the fourth month we have been waiting for .....

  • Еремей Таразский

    Еремей Таразский


    The opinion of the people is below. A complete mess. The attitude towards people is biased. The medical staff stupidly walks from office to office. What for? Making the appearance probably. With such clinics, you are afraid for your health. Most doctors are rude, often rude. Some people can't really explain. For me personally, going to the clinic is a mental stress ... I haven't been in other cities, but the situation is probably the same there ... It is deplorable and insulting for our medicine. Why are their salaries raised every time?

  • Азиза Елибаева

    Азиза Елибаева


    Really a mess! The reception desk does not know which doctor is in which office. I clearly asked where the obstetrician named Zhuldyz was sitting. 418 said it turns out to be 412 !!!!! I came and while I was waiting at the doctor's office # 418, a bunch of the same pregnant women gathered in the queue at office # 412.

  • Зауре Ибраимова

    Зауре Ибраимова


    A mess in the clinic. I went with two children for an inoculation at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, left the clinic at 5 o'clock. The nurse is all lost, not educated, then a piece of paper will be forgotten then something else. What kind of news is this such a live queue, then according to the coupon, one comes to the doctor on the coupon, one in turn. What a stupidity. Idiocy. There is not even a place to feed the baby. Accepts both adults and children from the same doctor. There is no discipline.

  • Зульфия Изатулина

    Зульфия Изатулина


    Never get through to polyclinics

najbliższy Szpital

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