Lechebnyy Tsentr Eskulap w Taraz

KazachstanLechebnyy Tsentr Eskulap



🕗 godziny otwarcia

21, улица Достоевского, Taraz, Jambyl District, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakt telefon: +7 7262 54 69 11
strona internetowej: aesculap.kz
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.9033626, Longitude: 71.3544728

komentarze 5

  • Надежда Исхакова

    Надежда Исхакова


    I cannot comment on other doctors of this center. But I want to say about the cardiologist, we turned to her directly for help. If you value your own life and the life of a loved one. Don't go to her. We were literally healed with pills that had side effects. It got worse. Be healthy! May God grant you experienced and good doctors

  • Умид Турсунбаев

    Умид Турсунбаев


    He spent 10 days in the clinic of Aesculapius. What I want to say ... A comfortable clinic, with responsive staff, experienced doctors. I also want to note the excellent work of the physical and massage parlor, I am very pleased and pleasantly surprised by the polite work of this staff! Also, I want to clearly express the highest work and diligence of the sanitary service, which played an important role in the course of treatment. But of course, not everything is so smooth)) there is a big minus in relation to nutrition. Of course, I don’t know which organization this clinic is attached to, but I can say that food leaves much to be desired ... Since people still are not there for free, and I think that soon the authorities will consider this issue and everything will be up to standard. .. I want to express my gratitude to the whole clinic of Aesculapius and evaluate a few points on a five-point scale)) 1) Doctors 5 2) honey service 5 3) unitary service 5 4) physiotherapy and massage 5 5) nutrition 1 I think my review will be useful this season)) thanks ...

  • Wyngys Orazdan

    Wyngys Orazdan


    all health

  • Константин Цуканов

    Константин Цуканов


    Great treatment center staff helpful

  • Bauka Akimbayev

    Bauka Akimbayev


    Mom really liked the service and care.

najbliższy Szpital

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