Gorodskaya Poliklinika Tekeli i Tekeli

KasakhstanGorodskaya Poliklinika Tekeli



🕗 åbningstider

35, Auezov Street, Tekeli, Eskeldi District, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 72835 4 42 97
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 44.8613742, Longitude: 78.7698792

kommentar 5

  • nursaulet bayan

    nursaulet bayan


    The most terrible polyclinic that I know, the receptionist does not know anything, because of this I stood in line all day in vain, there is no gynecologist instead of him a nurse and one Uzist, instead of a gynecologist, is sent to a district therapist, but she, in turn, sends a gynecologist to the nurses, as if they were they will write me a prescription for drugs, but the registry does not answer the question of when the gynecologist will be, where he takes tests for women, generally yells to everyone.

  • Pavel Aksayanov

    Pavel Aksayanov


    Ordinary clinic

  • Ekaterina Koval

    Ekaterina Koval


    Everything is very bad, no specifics. Even the head of the polyclinic is not competent.

  • Elena Phoenix

    Elena Phoenix


    The worst hospital I've ever seen. More people were killed than cured.

  • Елена Гладкова

    Елена Гладкова


    No specific data. Namely phone registry.

nærmeste Hospital

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