Hazrat Sultan Mosque i Astana

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KasakhstanHazrat Sultan Mosque


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48, Tauelsizdik Avenue, 010000, Astana, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 717 228 0018
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Latitude: 51.1254884, Longitude: 71.4719351

kommentar 5

  • Shohruh Raimov

    Shohruh Raimov


    Loved the place, especially how it's big and a lot of oxygen in there :) prayed hear in Friday.

  • Ruslan Issayev

    Ruslan Issayev


    After the suggestion from president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev mosque named "Hazret Sultan", which means "Holy Sultan". As well known, "Hazret Sultan" - one of the epithets of Sufi sheikh Khoja Ahmed Yasavi, author of "Divan-i Hikmet", whose mausoleum is located in Turkistan.[1] Construction of the cathedral mosque "Hazret Sultan" started in Astana in June 2009. In different periods from 1000 to 1500 workers have been involved in the construction of the mosque. Hazret Sultan Mosque was opened on July 6, 2012 at 12:30, which supplemented the list of unique objects of the capital.

  • en



    Mosques are not many in Astana... So every mosque is precious... Especially if it is the largest.... On Friday pray, it gets so full that many can pray only in the open no matter how low is temperature out there... The mosque is full of social activities during the whole week... The serve local foods also and you can buy zamzam water too... They have Hijama and hair cut as well... Kazakh and visiting moslems find there peace of mind, bond with each other and a place to perform their daily prayers... I found that too...

  • Muzaffar Khusnidinov

    Muzaffar Khusnidinov


    Probably the biggest masjid in Kazakhstan. Especially liked summer camp organized for kids. There were classes both for boys and girls. They learn basics of religion, Arabic and Qur'an. Quite a lot people came for taraweeh prayer in Ramadan.

  • Filip Tubler

    Filip Tubler


    Perfect place, the security guard have seen that we are tourists, he took us inside and was very polite. I recommend to visit it during the day, before they start to pray.

nærmeste Moske

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