Holiday Inn Almaty i Almaty

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanHoliday Inn Almaty



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2D, Timiryazev Street, 050013, Almaty, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 7272 44 02 55
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.233242, Longitude: 76.939229

kommentar 5

  • MIGUEL onofre

    MIGUEL onofre


    It's a very nice hotel, the location is also good and the staff is very friendly.

  • Steffen Schulz

    Steffen Schulz


    Dirty Rooms, check in took 20Min. Rooms are tiny and dirty.

  • Romans Rozoks

    Romans Rozoks


    The hotel is getting worn out and you can see it. But the rest is fine. Loctation, hospitality, etc are all fives.

  • Yan “Kuya Tortue” Endrayana

    Yan “Kuya Tortue” Endrayana


    Very nice hotel in Almaty, Kazakhstan with good facilities

  • Ankit Miglani

    Ankit Miglani


    Being into industry I expect so does client would expect Hospitality, but his hotel is no way near to it.. No one to assist with your luggage, a very cold front desk like a guest houses have completely untrained people on the desk.. I checked inn with all my luggage pulling alone they just kept looking, then gave different floors to us, post then room told was 311 and key didn't worked and after 3 calls and 20 min guy turned inn saying this is wrong room key they gave and the room they gave, the carpet is ridiculously n bad position full of dust on it..

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