Kazpochta. 11 Otdeleniye. i Kostanay

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanKazpochta. 11 Otdeleniye.



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15, Ulitsa Gvardeyskaya, 110000, Kostanay, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 7142 28 36 60
internet side: post.kz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.1952403, Longitude: 63.6030227

kommentar 5

  • Фариза Мурзабаева

    Фариза Мурзабаева


    Terrible customer service, the package has been lying at the post office for a week, only today they took it, went to pick it up, they didn’t give out, allegedly hesitated to look for parcels, referring to the fact that they didn’t have time. How is this post office still open? It's time to close this madhouse

  • Dana Issimova

    Dana Issimova


    Saturday Sunday closed In Google, write what works on Sat until three ???

  • Это Я

    Это Я


    Get organized. Or close. So that people do not suffer.

  • Галия Мансурова

    Галия Мансурова


    Just awful. Cramped, dirty, slow to serve. The employees are polite, but apparently not everything depends on them. The program hangs, a large queue is gathering. They carry the parcels themselves, heavy, light, regardless. There is no auxiliary worker.

  • Лола Сайлыбаева

    Лола Сайлыбаева


    Awful mail. There are no words. Nerves to the limit. I have never seen such a mess. The staff is not qualified. Not experienced. They work very slowly. The queue is big. The people are outraged. Two windows work, but there is no sense. Parcels are received and delivered in two windows. And there is no window to pay for money. Stood for three hours. No more foot there

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