Kazpochta i Taldıqorğan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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53, Tauelsyzdyk Street, 040000, Taldıqorğan, Eskeldi District, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 7282 27 11 41
internet side: post.kz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.0176605, Longitude: 78.3867048

kommentar 5

  • Нуржанат Турегельдинова

    Нуржанат Турегельдинова


    Good health to all... Kazpost .. in the modern world 🌍 And it should be .. CURRENT Compared to the years 1975 Currently Getting more modern It is desirable to work out the function Working with older people The youth is starting to grow. Communication wishes better.... Like a modern woman Mastered the functions of work in the Kazpost system Have an easy road everyone...

  • Madina Kadyrova

    Madina Kadyrova


    I've been here 3 times and they don't work all the time. I arrived on Friday at 16.05 they said 5 minutes as they closed, come tomorrow we work until 14.00. I took off from lunch at 13.00 and arrived, and they happily tell me we are closed, come on Monday. I am in a position and dangle back and forth and spend 1000 TG on the road is a horror. Also, the guard is rude and shouts they say that you want to do it.

  • Uzi Vuitton

    Uzi Vuitton


    Mail is sent to the wrong address, and the indicated city phone numbers are incorrect and cell numbers are not registered. State services do not know how to properly provide.

  • forza driver

    forza driver


    A very terrible place wanted to pick up the thing, we went in exactly at 17:59, one person for us ANUAR ASKAROVICH APPEAL TO YOU, I personally saw how he threw packages of people on the floor, to put it mildly. The administrator works purely for the sake of appearance, so he was the stupidest not a word stood like a donkey and thought to go or to shoot, we say that the CALL CENTER told us that it would close at 7 o'clock, but that's how the goats work. we want to write an application for these people to the company for service. The problem was supposed to close at 19:00 and in the end at 18:00, okay, but they didn't say a word and sent

  • EAH School

    EAH School


    Employees work without any will because of low wages. Nation is angry with Post office workers, but, truly, they aren't guilty.

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