Казпочта ГОПС №13 i Ust'-Kamenogorsk

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanКазпочта ГОПС №13



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32, Ulitsa Pushkina, 070013, Ust'-Kamenogorsk, Glubokoye District, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 7232 57 67 01
internet side: 2gis.kz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.9481139, Longitude: 82.6642378

kommentar 5

  • Человек Хз

    Человек Хз


    Awful mail, it stinks, a mess. Terrible service, slow, girl couldn't find a reference.

  • ульяна французова

    ульяна французова


    Mail works ugly. For two days in a row I go to get the package. The door is locked, an announcement of incomprehensible technical reasons. And every day is new for a given date. On the website on the Internet, there is implausible information about the operating mode. Is it really impossible to immediately write on the door, they say, We are en masse sick. Will be closed from that date to that date. Why should people waste time trudging into the mail every day to read a new ad. And it is impossible to get through to the main post office on Kasym Kaysenov to get information.

  • Alena Zxc

    Alena Zxc


    They sent a translation from Russia. Should have brought a notice of transfer. Not only did they not bring it, so when we went for him. We were told that there is no translation in my name. It turned out that they had given them to a completely different person without my documents. How do they work? Unclear.




    Anyone else, but I like Mail !!! Nice staff, well, but there is a queue. And skipping the line is boring. All Well done and good luck to everyone !!!

  • Ержан Алибаев

    Ержан Алибаев


    I like our post office. There are drawbacks, I do not argue, but it is our department, Native. Good luck and prosperity Kazpost GOPS-13

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